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(((My FaVoRiTe QuOtEs)))

Here are a few of my favortie quotes

*Fe Fi Fo Fum Which beanstalk did you fall from?*

*May your life be long and useful like a roll of toilet paper*

*Don't drink and drive. Because if you hit a bump your drink may spill all over your lap*

*Mirror Mirror on the wall whose the shortest one of all*

*This blows monkey nuts*

*Am I good or Am I good*

*I see dumb people*

*Alpha-Kenny-One (read or say really fast)*

*You wanna get laid? Well go crawl up a chicken's butt and wait*

*im smarter then you average box of rocks*

*Shut up I dont want to hear your stupid little problems*

*If life was like a beauty contest, everyone would be a loser. Because theres something ugly about each of us*

*Roses are red Violets are blue I'm cute and what the hell happened to u*

*You can't spell Crap with out Rap*

*Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?*

*So don't let the world bring you down not everyone here is that fucked up and cold*

*Fuck a Duck*--i say that when im mad