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I wanna give some shoutouts to my bestest buddies...Love you all not like that!

Amy--your one heck of a best friend! Thanks for everything..Hehe Vroom, Vroom...hey what's that white stuff on ur cheek?..Love ya like my sis

Jennifer--hey chic! your a great friend..

Jessica--hey have you ever managed to suck ur nipple?!

Ry--Hey Pimp..your a great friend... I love ya no matter what..If u get famous plz remember me!

Dolfie--Hey tallie! ummm oh yeah i was a cuter baby :cP

Brittani--Hey good luck in Flagget!

Amber--your pretty ditzy..but ur cool..had great time in florida..hows mickey and minnie (the oven mits)

Ashley Z.--haha your one werid but cool kid..oh yeah i love ya 2..hehe

Lindsey--Hey chica!! I see Joe Bob :cP

Laura--Congrats on making feature twirler..its bull poopy what they did...oh well

Tyler--I really dont know what to say...yur really cool..oh would u like a sticker :cP

Dustin--Hey...happy your on my shoutouts?

Brittany--I'll stop puttin myself down..Brandon Boyd's mine :cP

Megan-Hehe your one werid chic..I'm gonna miss ya after this year! I love ya...;c)

Anyone I forgot I'm sorry...Leave me a note and I will add ya!