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I'm a very big fiction fan and have read a lot of the best, this was undiniably one of the hardest books to put down. The exploits of thane and his steadfast friends lead them to learn the true meaning of deep friendship and loyelty to one another as they struggle with the minions of evil. This story is presented in a complex,creative,and well thought out world. the characters are etched in your mind , and the imagination of thomas rath makes you want to know what he invents next!!!!!!

--Sarah Ely, CA


After having read "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" Trilogy a few times I was looking for something similar to enjoy. "Hand of Fire" by Thomas Rath fits the bill. Although it's hard to rate this trilogy as only one of the three books has been written, I did find the writing, characters, and story line intriguing. It's nice when you can read a good book and be some place else for a while. In this case it's in a land with Dwarves, HuMans, Chufa, Gremlins, a nasty Dragon, an even nastier Villain, and a hero that hasn't really learned the extent of his amazing powers, and more. I just finished the first book and hardly realize the abilities of "Thane of the Five Tane" myself. I'm not going to explain the powers of the "Tane" but just to say that they are real cool and they are to this book what the "magic ring" is in Tolkien's books. The descriptions of the places and people are...well let's just say when your reading about them, you are there with them. Like "Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit", "Hand of Fire" by Thomas Rath will take you on adventures you never really dreamed of and that's its purpose. The only trouble is that the second book is in the process of being written so I now have to wait for a short time before finding out what happens to Thane and the rest of the stories characters (I was about to say friends instead of characters for the good ones as that's how I felt about them as I was reading "Hand of Fire"). The book moves about to different events that are happening at the same time so be sure to make note of who's who in order to keep everyone in their proper place. Who knows, maybe there will be a "Hand of Fire" movie in the future. Now wouldn't that be great!

--Terry Thompson, CA


I thoroughly enjoyed reading Hand of Fire and became completely engrossed with its characters and the story line. I would definately recommend this book to anyone who loves a good adventure and has some time to read because you won't be able to put it down!

--Tracy Bahr, GA


Hand of Fire is a very exciting book. It kept me riveted, I couldn't put it down. I must say that I am not a fantasy fiction reader, but this book could make me into one. I am anxiously awaiting the next book!

--Virginia Magers, CA

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