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Family & Friends
Special Occasions

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(click on any picture to view a larger version)

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Juana and the Orozco cat Whyskie

Papa (Pete) and Vinnie relaxing by the pool.

Edgar is playing the guitar and Angel Jr. is earning his nickname, Monkey.

Rene (Nino) and Vanessa ridding Jesus' motorcycle. Uncle Tim tickling Vanessa. Grandma and Vinnie cooking.

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Mitzy and Vanessa being silly cousins. Aren't they cute! Mitzy, Betty (Nina), and Vanessa eating pistachios. Mitzy and Vanessa in Mitzy's room. Naomi, Vicky, Vanessa, and Ofelia Vanessa looking at Rene's daughter Alexis.
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Alexis Mitzy, Juana, Vanessa and Yvette Vanessa and Great Grandma Vanessa and Aunt Beth. Mitzy & Vanessa in a balloon jumper Hector & Juana
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Nancy, Alan & Vanessa Alfonso & Milita  Aren't they cute cousins? Jantina & Vanessa on a trampoline Johnny & Jantina     ...the parents to be Vanessa helping Johnny blow out his birthday candles.
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Vanessa getting ready to go swimming with her uncle Tim. Miranda and Vanessa Miranda and Vanessa again Miranda and Vanessa for the last time.

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