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Patterson High School
Alumni Association Inc.

100 Kane Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21224-1789

Today's date is: 

Membership Form

Dues are Due                                                  Start the New Year right                                                $ 8.00 Will Do It.

Your dues helps pay for postal fees, our c.p.a., liability insurance, administrative expenses and the preparation and mailing of the Alumni newsletter issues in March, June-July, Nov-Dec., and a portion towards School Support Projects. Donations in addition to your dues help pay for non-budgeted materials, equipment, special programs, and scholarships. (See article this issue - "Financial Report")

We ask that you consider donating to these projects. This is our only fund-raiser process.

The Patterson Alumni Association is recognized by the I.R.S. as non-profit. Donations are fully tax-deductible.
You may wish to give to one of your favorite School Support Projects or split your donation .

______# 1 Academic Equipment & Materials = Purchase of much needed textbooks, computers, etc.
______# 2 Sports equipment = Uniforms for sports teams, team benches, plus the Sports and Health Wellness 
                  Academy needs special equipment, textbooks, on-going expenses for our teams.
                  (See article in this mini-newsletter "Under Sail").
______# 3 School Band = Beginning to re-build a school tradition.
______# 4 Cheerleaders = Vitalize school spirit
______# 5 Continuing Education Scholarships = For top students going on to a technical school or
                  community college. Funds for initial grants, plus continuing requests.
______# 6 Fine Arts (Art, Drama, Vocal Music) = Provide special experiences not otherwise funded
______# 7 Computer Operations = We now pay for Data-Input Personnel to up-date addresses, 
                  add new names, credit donations, and do print-outs for class reunions.
______# 8 Assembly program = We now sponsor performing arts assemblies (instrumental music, 
                dance, choral groups) to inspire our students to seek these kinds of extra-curricular activities 
                and career goals.
______# 9 School Security = Computerized, color-photograph I.D. badges for students.
                  Need six more Walkie-Talkies for our Hall Monitors.
______#10  Courtyard = Maintaining the inner courtyard with mulch, grass cutting, trim bushes, etc.
______#11 College Scholarship = Your donations, plus the dividends provide financial assistance.
______#12 Undesignated = Funds used to meet un-anticipated needs and help finish projects.
______ Total Tax-Deductible Donation to School Support Projects
+$8.00 Dues for One Year

$_____ Total Enclosed - Make check or money order payable to = Patterson High Alumni

PLEASE PRINT          Please complete all parts of this form.
It only takes a minute or so for you, but it saves lots of time for our computer operator.

1. Last name  ______________________________ First name ____________________ Initial ______

2. Your name as it appeared in your Yearbook

3. Street address   ________________________________ ________________________________ 

    City ____________________State_____________ 9 digit zip code __ __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ __ 

Please make a special effort to supply all nine zip code digits. We may soon have to pay extra postage without the nine digit zip code.

4. Year you graduated ______Month ______
If you didn't graduate, with which class do you associate with most ? Month _______  Year ______

5. We need your 10 digit phone number (Area Code) __ __ __ + __ __ __  - __ __ __ __ 

Please Supply names and current addresses for friends, or relatives who attended Patterson -
Use any separate sheet of paper. THANKS. 

"Well Always Loyal Be."
The Patterson High Alumni Newsletter is provided to Dues-Paid members 3 times per year = March. June-July and November-December.  Annual Dues are $8 (calendar year).
Mailing address is Patterson High Alumni Association. 100 N. Kane Street. Balto., MD 21224-1789.
Editor = Bill Miller (J.50).
President = Bryon Ivins (J 65) 410-396-5194, V.P. Rita Wazlavek Pyle (J 48): Sect'y  Randy Veale (J 83).

I.R.S. Non -Profit 501 (c) (3) number is available to donors upon request  in writing.


The following are excerpts from the By-Laws of The Patterson High School Alumni Association.  (PDF)

 Article II - Objectives

1. Cooperate with the staff of Patterson High to determine the needs of the school
2. Cooperate with support groups within the school.
3. Support any actions which will enrich the physical and educational environment of Patterson.
4. Assist worthy students by granting scholarships.
5 Support school activities which promote school spirit.
6. Enrich the students' understanding of the traditions and achievements of the school and alumni.
7. Generate communications among alumni and provide activities to expand the heritage of the school.
8. Promote good public relations to the school.

The Alumni provides non-budgeted equipment, materials and services to assist students and teachers.

The Patterson High School Alumni Association is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as Non-Profit. We are also registered with the Secretary of State of Maryland. All donations are tax deductible.



All Rights Reserved
This document was last updated on:  , 10/11/2000