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My Pictures!

Here are my pictures! Well, some of them. All the artwork on this site was also made exclusively by me, but you'll have to look at the rest of the site to see it all! Remember, stealing is not a nice thing to do!

I did this picture 4 years ago, but I still love it. It's abstract (obviously) done on black board with prismacolors! I even made it so it represented some deep philosophical theme... can you interpret it?

This is a pen-and-ink drawing of this desk-drawer thingie with a hat on it. Boring, I know. It was done this year in my art class, from a photograph of *gasp* a dest-drawer thingie with a hat on it! The hardest part about this one? Pen doesn't erase - once you start, there's no turning back!

This Is charcoal, one of the messiest drawing medium I have used! It get's all over your hands and makes a big black mess. I did this in art class too, of a still life with a bunch of junk in it. The difficult part was that I was sick on the day they had the spotlights on the objects to show where the light hit them, so I had to imagine all my shadows in.

This is an acryllic painting I did last year for World Geography. We were studying Aboriginal Australia, and this is an interpretation of their aboriginal art. I even researched it on the 'net so it would be accurate! The symbols all around it all represent stuff, like tribal grounds, hunters and watering holes (yes, they actually used those symbols in their art), but I forgot what they mean, so you'll just have to guess :)

This is my first serious painting, and one of the few pieces I've actually been content with. I did it last summer, and it's huge - it takes up half of my family room wall! It's a copy of a Monet, the one with the lady with the umbrella, and I tried to imitate his impressionist style when I painted it (with acryllics, if you must know). It took 5 days I think, but many long hours, but it was all worth it!

OK, so this isn't my best work. I did it for a journal entry (for my world studies class) this year, and I only spent an hour or so on it so it's not too great. It's from The Tempest by William Shakespeare, which I read in class. The bearded guy is Prospero and the girl is Miranda (which makes no sense, I'm sure, if you haven't read the play) and if you look closely, you might notice a semi-visible Ariel floating in the air! This is pencil on a piece of computer paper (real proffessional!).

This is the first picture I did for my art class this year. The computer made it look sort of funny... it looks much better in person. I never really finished it though - but the idea was that I cut a picture out of a magazine (the Lone Ranger, to be specific) and incorporated it into a picture. It's pencil on paper - surprise, surprise! You can sort of see a cowboy motif in a few of my pictures :)

I never really finished this one the way I wanted to, but... oh well. It's the same premise as the Lone Ranger picture - all the items in the colored pencil drawing were cut out of magazines and made into a sort of collage, then grided off and transfered onto a bigger piece of paper. Colored pencil is HARD! And I changed my mind about the background half-way through, so that's why it's so unfinished and boring. Oh well. The bird is cool.

Look for more pictures soon!