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Elephant Sightings

You never know how much pink elephants control the world until you type the phrase into a search engine! They're everywhere, really - you just have to look around you for a change! Here is a collection of links and places where you can find pink elephants in your everyday lives. Enjoy!

1. Pink elephants are the mascots to many companies, such as small business promoters, jazz bars, disco companies, government officials and internet designers. I have been assured that the elephants have no say in this process, and therefore I will not promote these businesses by linking them to my site. If you would like to see the elephants' representation in the business world, try a search engine :)

2. It appears that a few bar drinks have been named after our flying friends, also, including Pink Elephant Ears, which consists primarily of vodka and pink lemonade. When questioned about the issue, the elephants insist that they prefer to stay sober.

3. The swing band Cherry Poppin' Daddies released their album, Zoot Suit Riot, with a track titled Pink Elephant. I am still searching for a copy of this song that is more than 30 seconds long, and can't pass judgement on it now.

4. In related news, a music artist with an equally.. er.. unique name, Buttzilla, has a song titled Pink Elephant Mosh. No elephant will admit to taking part in such an event.

5. Jazz(?) musician Joanne Brakeen released an album, with the title track of Pink Elephant Magic. You can listen to about a minute of the instrumental piece at, which just screams pink elephant. The question we now must ask is this: how is it that pink elephants are so friendly with the music crowd? After countless interviews in which all I received were blank stares and shrugged shoulders, I can exclusively report that a few elephants were alledgedly Vanilla Ice groupies. Go figure.

6. Aha, a fellow believer! At the Centre for Flying Pink Elephants, see this pillar of information on the amazing species. There are also pictures of the elephants in their natural habitats!

7. We know you've been wanting to. And now you can! Crochet a Pink Elephant and bring the magic of pink into your own home!

8. For all you truly devoted Elephantalists, you will enjoy George Hull's Pink Elephant Theory. Let me tell you, this guy eats, sleeps and breaths elephant! And most elephants will persuade you to do the same.

9. The phrase Pink Elephant is apparently some sort of Japanese anime-related...uh... thingie. I would tell you more, except I can't read Japanese worth beans.

10. And now the elephants are on the poetry scene! The Epic of the Pink Elephant is extremely long, and very *ahem* unique. Apparently it was written by either a very talented elephant, or a person with waaay too much time on their hands.

11. This site appears to be linking pink elephants to Buddha. According to this site, Buddha is buddies with a fat pink elephant wearing glasses. Our elephants would also like to note that they are completely non-denominational.

12. The pink elephants are feeling constantly insulted by their association with alcoholics. They would also like to encourage the public not to buy bottle stoppers with tipsy elephants on them. They are out there, people, as raw and insulting to elephants they may be. No concern for their feelings at all! It's an outrage!

13. We seem to have come across the expert of catching pink elephants. There is no proof that this theory works, as our elephants insist they have no particular interest in raisins, although dried prunes are quite nice for special occasions.

14. Well, it's happened. We have found a pink elephant car wash. What next? Pink elephant websites? Oh, wait...

And that's all for now! Send me any sightings you've seen!