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cHaT rOoM


CoNtAcT mE

ViEw My GuEsTbOoK
sIgN mY gUeStBoOk

hErE aRe PiCs fRoM mY tRiP iN dA pHiLiPpInEs

hEY its Ava, gAyLe, mE, aNd MaRi CaR beFoRe wE wEnT clubBinG iN dA pHiLiPpInEs

mOrE of Me anD mY cUziNs

aNotHer oNe

iTs LiTo OuR dRiVeR


mY cUziNs LoOkiN dRuNk aNd drUgGed OuT

aNothEr gRoUp PhOto

gAyLe sLeEpIng

mArI cAr In heR scHoOL uNiFoRm

tRaFfiC sUcKeD bUt TheR wUs sOme nIcE cArs Out TheRe

aLL u SeE iS LaNcErS aNd CiViCs