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Ganesh Aarti

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Salutations to you , O Lord Ganesha, born of Parvati, the daughter of the Mountain King, Himalaya, and the great Lord Shiva. O Lord of compassion, you have a single tusk, four arms, a bright mark of vermilion on your forehead, and for conveyance the mouse. Glory, glory, all glory to you O Lord Ganesha.
You bestow vision on the blind, chastened bodies on the leprous, sons on barren women and wealth on the impecunious. Glory, glory, all glory to you O Lord Ganesha.
People offer you betel leaves, blossoms, dry fruits and laddus, while throngs of saints and seers attend you. 
Glory, glory, all glory to you O Lord Ganesha.

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Lord Shiva Aarti



Glory to you, O Shiva ! Glory to you, O Omkara ! May Brahma, Vishnu and the assembly of other gods, including the great Lord Shiva, relieve me of my afflictions .
As Vishnu you have but one face, as Brahma four and as Shiva five. They gladden the sight of all who behold them. As Brahma you prefer the back of the swan for your seat ; as Vishnu you like to ensconce yourself on the back of Garuda and as Shiva to make the sacred bull your conveyance ; all these stand ready. O Great Lord, pray rid me of my afflictions .
As Brahma you possess two arms, as Vishnu four and as Shiva ten, all of which look matchlessly lovely. No sooner do the inhabitants of the three spheres behold you than they are all enchanted.
You are, O great Lord Omkara, wearing a garland of Rudraksa, Another of forest flowers and the third of skulls ; your forehead, glistening in the moonlight which it holds, is smeared with  sandal paste and musk .
O great Lord Omkara, your body is attired in black and black silken clothes and in tigerskin, while in your company are troops of goblins, gods like Brahma and the divine seers like Sanaka .
O great Lord Omkara, you hold a kamandalu(the mendicants water jar)  in one of your hands and in another a trident ; you bring joy to all, destroy all distress, and sustain the whole world.
The ignorant know Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva as three individual gods, but they are all indistinguishably fused into a single mystic syllable “OM” .
Says Swami Shivananda : “ He who recites this Aarti to the Lord of the three gunas – sattva, rajas and tamas – attains fulfillment of his heart’s desire. 

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Hanuman Aarti

May we now perform the ceremony of Aarti in adoration of our beloved Hanuman , who is the slayer of the wicked and a quintessential part and parcel of Rama Himself .
His might causes even the Himalayas to tremble and ghosts and goblins to keep their distances.
O Son of Amjani, you bestow great might and always provide succour of gods and sages 
Sri Ram despatched him on the all-important mission to Lanka (the isle of demons ), which he reduced to ashes before bringing the tidings of Sita .
Hanuman, Son of the Wind, leapt across the ocean and the rampart of the city in the twinkling of an eye. 
Having set Lanka on fire he slew the fiends and accomplished the task Rama had assigned him.
When Laxmana was lying unconscious, you brought the life  giving herb at day break which saved the dying warrior .
Descending to the nether regions, you broke open the prison gates of Yama and pulled Ahiravana’s arms apart.
With his left arm he slew the demons and with the right saved the gods and sages.
Gods, humans, sages, and devotees chant your aarti and  glorify you again and again.
In a golden platter with camphor placed beautifully in it, your mother, Amjani, waves the lustral lamp round you and hymns your praises. 
He who hymns Hanuman’s Aarti goes straight to Vaikuntha ( the celestial abode of Rama ) and attains salvation.

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Vishnu Aarti

Glory, glory to you, O Omkara, the Supreme Lord of the Worlds and destroyer of all afflictions ! Glory to you, O Lord and Master of the universe! You deliver your devotees from distress in a single instant. Glory, glory to you.
He who meditates on you reaps the fruit thereof, the fruit of blessings and deliverance from all heart’s grief; while happiness and wealth roll in into his house, his body is cured of pain.
As I have only you for my parents, who else can be my refuge? Since I have none else in the world, in whom shall I repose trust ?
You are the most perfect and supreme lord of all, the controller of our inmost beings, impersonal and attributeless Brahma and the supreme master of all.
While you are the ocean of compassion and sustainer of all, I am dull-witted, wicked and lecherous. O my beloved Lord, be gracious unto me.
You are one and imperceptible by the senses ; you are also the lord of all vital forces in the world. Can I , a wicked one face you who are so exceedingly kind ?
You are, O Lord of Compassion and destroyer of pain, my only protector ; I am lying at your door ; come and lift me up with your own hands.
Extirpate, O Lord, the defilements of my senses and all my transgressions, so that my faith in and devotion to you keep on growing and I am able to serve the saints.
Whatever I have, O Lord, body, intellect and wealth, is all yours. All this of which you are the owner is dedicated to you. What do I lose if I return what is not mine.

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Laxmi Aarti

Glory to you, O Mother, glory to you, mother Lakshmi. Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma meditate on you everyday and night.
You are yourself the consort of Brahma, Rudra and Vishnu and the mother of the world. The sage Narada sings your praises and the Sun and the Moon meditate on you .
As Durga, you grant both happiness and prosperity and he who centres his attention on you becomes a recipient of all riddhis and siddhis Prosperity and Accomplishment.
None but you dwell in the nether regions of the earth and you alone ensure good luck , bring to light the effect of action (karma), and protect all worldly treasures.
All the virtues collect themselves where you have your dwelling ; with your grace and favour even the impossible becomes possible without causing any nervous agitation.
No sacrifice can be performed without you; no one can obtain any garment; it is from you that one obtains one’s sustenance .
O! daughter of the Ocean of Milk and the beauteous temple of all propitious virtues, you are verily a living mass of all fourteen gems with which none else is endowed .
Whosoever hymns this prayer to Lakshmi is purged of his sins and experiences the ecstasy of joy.

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Goddess Saraswati Aarti

Glory, glory, all glory to you, O Mother Sarasvati ; you are renowned throughout the three spheres as the treasure house of all great noble virtues. Let all sing to the glory of yourname !
O infinitely radiant Goddess, you are beautiful and bright as the moon and are seated in lotus posture ; you are lustrous in appearance and source of all blessings ; your vehicle, the auspicious swan, looks elegant .
In your left hand, O Mother Sarasvati, is the lute and in the right a wreath ; on your head lies a splendid coronet of gems and around your neck a string of pearls .
O Goddess, whosoever sought refuge in you was released 
from the cycle of birth and death. By perverting the mind of Keikeyi’s dull-witted, handmaid, Manthara, you became 
instrumental in the destruction of Ravana.
O bestower of learning and skill, illumine the world with light of knowledge and dispel the darkness of ignorance and infatuation .
O Mother, pray accept my gift of incense, light, both green and dry fruits, endowing the world with eyes of knowledge ferry it across the ocean of this phenomenal world.
Whosoever sings this hymn to Mother Saraswati, becomes a recipient of knowledge and devotion, both of which are beneficial and yield great happiness . 

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Santoshi Mata Aarti

Glory, all glory to you, O Mother Santoshi; being a goddess of compassionate and contented disposition, you bestow on your faithful devotees both joy and wealth.
You are elegantly attired, O Mother, in golden garments and bedecked with lustrous jewels, diamonds and emeralds.
The red ochre splendour of your lotus–face looks splendid while, O Compassionate Mother, your faint, feeble smile enthrals all the three spheres.
While you are seated on your golden throne, a beloved votary of yours is waiving a chowry; incense, a lighted lamp, honey, dry fruits and other delicious offerings are lying as food presented to you.
Jaggery and unfried gram are your supreme favourites and satisfy you most; being the very incarnation of contentment you endow your devotees with great affluence and prosperity.
You regard Friday as especially consecrated to you; it being the same day today, a company of your votaries has assembled and yielded to the charming account of your miracles.
The temple lights are glimmering while the atmosphere all around is charged with auspicious sounds. With bowed  heads your children are paying homage to you.
May you accept our worship which brims over your faith and devotion, and bless us with the fulfillment of our heart’s desire.
You relieved the impoverished and ailing humanity of its distress and replenished the homes of the unfortunate with plenty of foodgrains and blessed them with happiness and good luck.
He who meditated on you never failed to receive your blessing of contentment. Blessed are the homes of those who adore you and listen to the story of your marvellous acts.
Pray protect, O Mother, the honour of him who seeks refuge in you; being full of the milk of divine kindness, you alone can deliver me from these deepening crises.
The devotee, who performs this ceremony of singing the aarti song in adoration of Mother Santoshi, is blessed with prosperity, accomplishment, happiness, and wealth to his heart’s content. 

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Durga Mata Aarti

Glory to you, O Mother Gauri, glory to you, O Gauri Parvati, who are so rich in maiden grace, the object of daily, meditation by Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva.
O Ambe ! On your forehead is a resplendent mark of vermilion along with a mark of musk. Your twin eyes are bright and your face beautiful as the moon.
Your body with a tinge of gold is splendidly dressed in a red attire ; on your throat lies a wreath of red blossoms like a beautiful necklace .
Your vehicle, the lion, is, O Mother, in keeping with your splendid form ; you you bear a sword and a skull in your hands, and on you attend  the gods, men, hermits and your votaries whose grief you drive away.
You are adorned with rings on your ears and with pearl on the tip of your nose; your radiance looks as splendid as that of myriads of suns and moons. 
O slayer of the demon Mahisa, you tore apart the bodies of Sumbha, Nisumbha and Dhumravilochana. Your eyes reflected a frenzy of fury everyday and night.
You are the beloved consort of Brahma, Rudra and Vishnu. The Vedas and the Sastras describe you as the queen consort of Lord Shiva .
Sixty –four Yoginis chorus your praise and glorify you, while Bhairava dances in tune to the accompaniment of the sound of tabour and drum .

You are mother of the universe, its sustainer, reliever of your devotees affliction and bestower of happiness and prosperity .

The four arms you have adorn your person, while the hand raised in benediction reveals your benign aspect. Those among men and women who wait on you and worship you have all their cherished wishes ever fulfilled.

In a golden platter are beautifully laid aloe and camphor, both of which have been lighted; in the radiance of your forehead is reflected the splendour of myriad gems.

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