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Richard's Place on the web the..

My Favorite things about My Ford Probe.

  • Pretty!
  • Fast!
  • My system!

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    Hey dar fellers this right cheer is a picture of me on the "LEFT" and on the "right" is a picture of my friend. You can also go visit his site at!!!I hope you liked my lil site hopefully it will be lots and lots better next time:)


    please be patient..thank yns..

    This here is a picture of the stereo that is in my room,it is only the reciever part but it costed as much as a while system!!It is a RCA with 300 totall watts equalling out to be 60 watts by 5 channels..It has DVD/CD/CD-REWRITABLE/TV SATELLITE/LD/TV/TAPE/VCR/CATV all these are hook ups on it you can plug in all this to it..

    This is a picture of the amplifier that is in my car and here are the specs on it also: 2-Channel MOSFET Power Amplifier Power Max (2 Ohm) 400w x 2 Power RMS (4 Ohm) 150w x 2 Power Bridged: 300w x 1 Tri-Mode Built-in-Crossover : High and Low pass Bass Boost 0 - +18 dB Inputs: Line and Speaker Level Line out S/N Ratio: 105 dB T.H.D. 0.01% Dimensions 10-5/8" (W) x 2-1/4" (H) x11"(L)

    This is my 2001 school picture it is very big so bear with me..sorry but hey its a good picture so i left it big...I hope that you like it a little bit though.. Hopefully soon i will have some pictures of my car up on here i need to go take some pictures of her...i got her all cleaned up.. anywho gotta go..

    "align=middle border=0 width=325 height=325>
    This is my web site i hope that you liked it remember that it is under construction right now...Thanks