
Name: Puck
Age: 1,616,543 (I like that number, I might be wrong though, it just feels right!)
Equal Age In Human Years: About 20 (Okay, so that's a sheer guess!)
Height: Can't tell, usually floats 2-5in. off floor
Weight: Seriously think he'd tell me?
GARGOYLES Picture Accuracy: It depends on you're opinion, some people think that he's a Bwaca or a Pooka, or a Phooka, or a Hobgoblin, so, if you believe this, then, I supose that he could look totaly different! But I personally would like to think he looks more like this!
Gender: Male
GARGOYLES Personalty:
The happy go lucky fey that is always up for a good prank. He is EXTREMELY spontaneous, and this fact mixed in with his changeable personalty and super strong magick often causes problems for the mortals he mingles with. No one can really tell what he'll be up to next, his senses are exceedingly sharp, he's terribly witty, and although he's happy go lucky, he can become very dark. He's known to through the occasional tantrum, and definitly applies dramatics to his magic, so the simplest spell could become the grandest light show. He can be considered HIGHLY dangerous, but if you amuse him...
Folklore Personalty:
If you thought that his Gargoyles Personalty was interesting, wait 'til you get aload of this!
The Puck of Folklore went by many times Robin Goodfellow, Puck, Devil, Statin's Spawn... But were they all true? He was considered a the oughtmost trickster, and a devil. A play write ounce refered to hell as 'Puck's Pinfold.'The name, 'Puck,' itself has meant 'Devil.' He was even described as a devil himself(literaly)! Later on, after Shakespear lightened the trickster's appearence, instead of a devil, he became a decided sprite, and the son of Oberon, the King of the Faeries and/or Fae, or the son of a mortal mother, or both. He could have been considered the Mid-Evil equivalent of the Boogie-Man. He was considered Hideous and poisonous to the touch. Some legends even suggest that he caried off young girls and ravaged them...I personally enforce none of these legends, but they are quite enchanting to read!
My Opinion stated in a strong and somewhat straight foward way based on the Gargoyles Cartoon Show, and what I have run into through meditatoin: Why, as Shakspeare himself called him, 'good, sweet Puck.' I have no idea of where these legends come from, the devil thing is cruel and uncalled for! Why mock and ridicule a kindred spirit? Hideous! Hideous indeed! I personally, am struck dumbfounded by his handsome appearence! Idocisy, and Popycock. Legends started by peasents to keep young children out of forests. POSITIVELY dispicable! That's how I see it! What do you tnink?