Gargoyle Lust

The Cuties!

Why I love, PUCK!!!
More About Puck!

HI! This page of the site is relatively new, so there's not much on it, yet. Soon I hope that it will evolve into a whole page of miscellaneous cuties! Hooray! As of now I'm posting the top few gargoyles cuties, bits about and such. Have fun!

Okay, well I like this particular Gargoyles Character because he is very Dynamic, is cute, and has a sexy, and did I mention nice hands? Not to mention groovy hair... K, now that we've got the physical appearence out of the way, let me go into the Dynamic Part. Magus was the court Mage at castle Wveryn, and original really did not like the Gargoyles! Not one bit... but that's another story entirely. Or maybe not... anyway he was totaly ga-gaa over this one permanently PMSing Princess, and lo and behold he was her advisor. Hey, isn't that a peachy easy way to get close to her? It just so happened that when the Vikings over took the castle everyone was taken prisoner and all the gargoyles destryoed. When Hakon took the Princess off to kill her because the Gargoyles (the five that had survived the attack) came for vegeance. Magus turned the Gargoyles to stone for a thousand years blah blah blah... anyway, in the end he ammended his ways and took care of the surviving eggs!


Puck appears multiple times in the Gargoyles series, although in my opinion not nearly enough. It is also my opinion that the creators of Gargoyles purposely only aired my Pucky-poo in the four episodes, The Mirror, Future Tense, Posession, and The Gathering, Pt. 2 to tantalise us with his enthralling character.

Puck is a Fae who is sometimes classified as a villian throughout the Gargoyles series, only this is not so. Puck is neither a villian, or your sterotypical good guy. He is happy and go lucky, and although it may seem at times that he is only out to further his own personal ends, deep down he truly cares about those around him (although see if you could get him to admit it) He also shares an alter ego with his straight man guise, Owen Burnett.