HELLO! I see you've stumbled onto this site, a site dedicated to FAE of all sorts! I"m Fiona Seckari, you're *lovely*(I wish!) hostess! And this intro page was designed as a quick introduction, so, prepare to be introduced!
Fae are wonderful, magickal beings, with powers, 'beyond mortal imagination!' They range from social ones living in a monarchy, to solitary ones such as the Banshee, to mischevious ones like the Bwaca or the Pooka! There are many, many different types of Fae, more than we could ever imagine. Faeries, Wee-Folk, Little People, Fae. No matter what you call them, they're there, and just as real as you and I.
Some of the Fae featured on this page are from the popular GARGOYLES show on Toon Disney, which I positively LOVE and ADORE so please excuse me if the page is a little cartoony! I like it that way, and I hope you do, to! Fae can spelt many ways, and the spelling may vary throughout the site, some popular spellings are: Fae, Fey, and Fay. For more info on these wonderful beings, please feel free to check out my site, and I will try to get a credits/links page up as soon as possible, so that you can experience many of the other wonderful Faeries sites that are online, but for now, I'll just have to settle for recomending the book; "A Witch's Guide to Faery Folk" it's a wonderful book, please check it out!
Thank You so much for taking the time to check out my site,
~*Fiona Seckari*~