Besides his ears there are also many other attrictive things about his appearence. His long hair, for instance. I absolutly love men with long hair! Nice long hair though, not that stringy greasy stuff, and Pucky's hair is all of the above! Its thick and full, and hiw little widow's peak is such a dynamic touch! You just have to love his hair. And the color's not half bad either.
Another thing, besides his looks, is his style. I love his style, its everything I ever dreamed of! The clothes, honestly anything looks good on this guy. Orange and purple? On me? Never! On him, it looks totaly groovy. He can pull anything off, throw in some kick'n boots and blue leggings, and we've got ourselves a gorgeously groovy guy. Hey, I just made an aliteration!
Okay, I'm not completly shallow. Yes, I adore the guys looks but there is more beneath the surface that I admire, one can't base a realtionship on entirely looks can they? Heck, there even has to be more than looks and style, and there is more. Much more. Off hand I'd have to tell you his personality. "I've got a sunny disposition and I'm always kind to animals!" are some of his top quirks that popped from his own lips. Are those just not precious quirks? He has a wonderful sense of humor, of course that sometimes can be rather heartbreaking, his response to, "I'm ugly." is often times, "Of course you are." Now when you think about it that is rather funny and sweet, but on the spot it rather hurts one's feelings greatly. But as in the words of cheerleaders, "That's all right, that's okay, we're gonna love him anyway!" Smiles!
Okay, so I've probably just yammered your ears off when I could have probably condensed this entire page with just this one closing paragraph, but I didn't. Double smiles!!! I guess the long and the short of it is I really can't put my finger on why I love him, although I can almost pinpoint, give or take a year, when I fell in love him. Basicly the way he floats, the way he breaths, the way he wiggles his little ears when he eats. His voice, his manner, his sense of humor, all of him. I could go on and on and on and on and on all about what I love about him, his quirks, the way he sneezes! His famous wing masages... He makes beautiful music on his flute and in my heart.
~*Fiona Seckari~*
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