"Well, it has absolutely nothing about him. That tells
us for sure he is neither a demon or a warlock.", Piper said as she
finished the Book of Shadows search. "It doesn't rule out a slime bag from the netherworld, or for that matter just a jerk!", Pru fumed. She was worried about Phoebe's infatuation with this new guy. Piper thought Pru should be more trusting of people, not everyone is an evil demon. Even Piper had to admit this was a new side of Phoebe though. |
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"Yes Master, I am trying to set you up to meet Piper tomorrow. Then we can work together to take Pru. How is the possession of Faith going?....I'm sure she does, she's very lucky to have been picked by you..... I would love to Master, she certainly is beautiful, but I have to go to this stage show with my sisters tonight. Remember you wanted me to see the stage hypnotist, to see if she was any good? I will be over after that. I love and serve you Master...." |
"Ooooh no, this is WAY bigger than dishes for a week!",
teased Piper. She couldn't believe that her club was going to be the site
of a G-rated stage hypno-show. Pru's friend Cassie was supposedly very talented,
although she took the term conservative to a new level. "It's only one night Piper, besides, maybe we can get her to get a guy to kiss you." "Knowing her, she'd probably have him stop at a hand shake!", Piper joked. |
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The show started at 7:00 promptly. Piper's club had it's usual crowd.
It was hard to say if anyone had come specifically to see Cassie, though
it looked doubtful that they did. She appeared out on stage in her 50's
outfit. She sat on a stool, in the middle of the stage. The spotlight
turned on and focused on her. You could see the guys in the room all take
notice. |
trance. She had actually put about thirteen more people in
the audience under as well. She was corny, but she had an unbelievable natural
talent. Even Phoebe, who was under the power of the greatest hypnotist in
history, was impressed. "Very good, you have all done very well. Now, as you listen to my voice, you will realize that everything I tell you is true. Now you have just figured out that it is 1956, and you want nothing more than to do the bunny hop! Do it now!", she commanded. The 7 guys all got up and did the bunny hop. It was as stupid as Piper predicted. The only interesting part was seeing the 13 people who went under in the audience start dancing as well. The whole show went like that. Luckily, it didn't last long. Having the guys think they were walking their dogs was supposed to |
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be the big finally, but she mixed it up a little bit. "Ok, boys, you've all been very cooperative, now I want you to help me thank a dear friend of mine. And you are going to help me do it in a naughty way!", she said, as if she had something really nasty up her sleeve,"When I count to three, you are all going to line up, and walk towards my friend in the back, the lovely lady with the dark hair, and tan blouse. You will thank her for helping get this show going. But's that's not all! You will also give her a peck on the cheek and say,'You are a pretty lady!', do you understand?". The men all nodded yes. |
One by one, they did just as Cassie commanded. Pru just laughed. She was definitely embarrassed. Luckily, most people in the club weren't even paying attention to the show anymore. Phoebe watched closely. These guys were totally under. Cassie had definite power. Mesmotto would lover her. Maybe too much. Phoebe had been excited to get Faith last night, but it also brought out a jealousy. She decided she may be a little selfish tonight when she was telling Mesmotto about the show. She figured he would be preoccupied with Faith's possession anyhow. | ![]() |