"I totally thought we had her", Piper said. Mesmotto had finally removed some of that unbreakable confidence that was keeping her from thinking clearly.
"Yeah, she was going for it. Before the throw up that is", Phoebe agreed.
"What did Faith say when she called?", Piper asked.
"She said the witch down there, Willa I think her name is, is just as stupid as we are blah blah blah. If we don't have Pru by the time she gets back, she'll kick our

asses, blah blah blah", Phoebe said.
"You know, it was very convenient for Pru that she happened to get a stomach bug right at that exact minute. Do you think she cast some kind of spell that made her allergic to him or something?", Piper asked.
"I would doubt it, you or I are always the one coming up with spells. Pru is more of an action, shoot'em up type."
"I guess, it's just weird that she puked right when he
said 'Look into my eyes', it's almost like he hit some kind of .... trigger. That's it, Pru must have had someone hypnotize her into not being able to be hypnotized. The sick stomach is a reaction to a post hypnotic trigger.", Piper deduced.
"I bet a know exactly who hypnotized her too! Let's get Master, we have to get to Pru's precious little playmate Cassie!", Phoebe said as they jumped into action.


The girls immediately called Cassie's house. Much to their dismay, the machine picked up. Cassie had left a message saying that she had gotten a two month gig in Spain, and that she would be gone as of the afternoon of the 18th. Luckily, this was the afternoon of the 18th. The girls raced to the airport. On the ride over, Phoebe used one of the Cassie's show posters to do a find spell on her. Cassie had handed Pru the poster, so it had her essence on it.
The girls strutted through the airport. These were not the same two women Cassie had seen just weeks before. They were confident, sophisticated, and sexy. They were also barely in time.
"I don't know if we'll make it", Phoebe said.
"I think we will", Piper said confidently. And with that she waved her hand and stopped time. That was a very helpful power in cases like these.
Phoebe and Piper slowed down and carefully perused the rest of the airport. they finally found Cassandra at the gate. She stood there, frozen, just like everyone and everything else at the airport.
"Well, you want to take it from here?", Piper asked Phoebe. Piper hadn't yet hypnotized anyone. Now was not the time for practice either. It was essential the girls get Cassie in front of their Master.
"Actually why don't you take it from here, I've got a hunch", Phoebe said.
"Really, what are you getting at?"
"I want you to go up to her and just tell her that she is glad to see us. She will forget about her flight and follow us back to our house"
"Why would that work", Piper asked.
"I'm thinking that when people are frozen, you can still reach their subconscious mind. Besides, if it doesn't
work, then I'll just put her under the conventional way."
"Ok, I'll give it a try.", Piper said as she walked up behind Cassie, "Cassie, in a moment, you're going to turn around and see Piper and Phoebe Haliwell. You'll be soo happy to see them. You have missed them so much. They're going to invite you back to their house. You can't wait to get there. The plane flight doesn't matter, Spain doesn't matter. Nothing matters except spending time with Piper and Phoebe at their house. Oh, and one more thing, you will find Piper extremely
attractive. You have never felt so attracted to a woman before.", Piper said.
"Well well, aren't you getting used to your new lot in life", Phoebe smiled, "let 'em go"
With that Piper unfrooze everyone.
"Cassie?", Piper asked. Cassandra spun around to see who was calling. It was Piper Haliwell .... and she looked fantastic!
"Oh my gawd, Piper, Phoebe ... how are you?", Cassie asked, looking only at Piper.
"We're doing ok, Cass, but we need your help. Pru's in trouble", Phoebe said.
"We were hoping you could come to our house and help us find a way out of our problem. I'm sure your flight wasn't that important anyhow", Piper added.
"It isn't, I'd love to take a ride over to your house. Can I sit next to you on the way Piper?"
"Sure, why not", smiled Piper
"You really look fantastic Piper. Is that a new haircut or something?", Cassie asked.

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