For the next few nights, Buffy and Faith dominated the Sunnydale club scene... literally. They would dance all night, entrancing everyone on the floor. They owned the town and they loved it.
Clubbing wasn't just for fun though. They were recruiting for their new teams. They were serious about creating an empire. Faith wanted an elite team of female thieves, which she would call "Bad Ass Chicks". She figured she could make a fortune by
being able to acquire any item on the black market's wish list. She liked the idea of an all girl team because... well, she just thought it was cool.
Buffy was thinking a little more military. Actually, she was thinking a lot more military. This particular evening she and Faith had gone to the local marine hang out. Buffy wanted to power up her team with some trained muscle.
About mid way through the night, Buffy spotted a
familiar face through the bright and strobing light... it was Willow.
She tried to tell her partner, but Faith was sort of "in the moment". When Buffy last heard, Willow was still with Mesmotto. That meant this could have been some kind of trap, but then again, Willow was never the best trapper, so Buffy decided to chance it and go visit with her old friend.
Willow looked shy, frightened and bewildered. That
was typical. She was sitting off to the left of the dance floor, where the flashing lights and loud music were much less severe.
Buffy approached from the left. Willow was looking around, and had still not seen Buffy. The slayer was cautious, but still approached in a friendly manner.
"Hi Will", she said. Almost as if everything was as it was before Mesmotto.
"Buffy! Hi!", Willow chirped.
"I didn't know you'd be here", Willow attempted.
"Right, you always come to Marine bars, don't you Willow?", Buffy replied.
"Semper Fi", Willow tried.
"What are you doing here Will? What do you want?"
"I did a find spell, I wanted to see you"
"To talk"
"Are you still with Mesmotto?"
"Yes.. no... I don't know. I don't think I feel the same way about him that I did"
"Meaning?", Buffy probed.
"I don't know, it's like .. he's just not as impressive as he was. I'm starting to think on my own again."
"I see"
"I take it you aren't into him anymore either."
"No, but it was a struggle. Faith helped me"
"Faith is free too?"
"Yeah, we've sort of joined... forces"
"How about my Mom, Tara, and Anya?"
"They still seem to be pretty cozy with him. They don't know I'm here"
"Why didn't you let them know?"
"Because they wouldn't like what I am going to ask you to do"
"And what is that?"
"I want you to kill him", Willow said, quietly, as if she was ashamed.
"Are you sure?", Buffy asked.
"Sometimes. Right now I am. Later I might not be."
"How do I know this isn't a trap?"
"I don't have much proof that it isn't, but I can promise you it isn't.. and I have a way for you to do it"
"I'm listening"
"I found a weakness to Netherworlders. New life."
"You want my to beat him with a baby?"
"Not exactly, but you will need some baby making juice"
"Do you mean some ... from a guy's ...?"
"Yeah, but it is the base toxin for a potion I found"
"It's still gross though"
"True, but it will work"
"How do I know it won't make him ten times stronger or something?"
"You don't I guess, but if it does you can always cut off his head?"
"That works? Why would we mess with the 'baby making juice' then?"
"Because you don't have to get close to him to use it. Once I mix up the potion, I can put it on the end of an arrow, or a stake. That way you can
shoot him from a far", Willow said. This went a long way towards getting Buffy to believe her. If Willow wanted Buffy recaptured, she probably would have tried to get her face to face with Mesmotto.
"When can this happen?", Buffy asked, showing that she was at least interested.
"Well it will mostly be dependent on when we can get some baby making juice. My plan was to tell Mesmotto that you were ready to meet with him. Have him go to the location, where you'll be staked out already. As soon as you see him, blam!", Willow said. She felt Buffy was going for it, but she could tell the deal wasn't closed yet, "You could bring Faith as back up if you wanted"

Buffy thought about that for a second. She looked over at her partner. Faith was having a blast, as usual, just by being Faith. She owed Faith her freedom (from Mesmotto). She couldn't have peeled away from him with out her.
Though, if gratitude was one side of the coin, resentment was the other. Buffy had never encountered a foe she could not defeat. She wanted to defeat Mesmotto on her own (even if she did
require assistance from Willow - that was different).
"I'm in. If I find out this is a trap though, I'm coming after you. Don't think I won't, I'm different now ... thanks to Faith", she warned.
"No problem. But there are still a number of hurdles to overcome, not the least of which is the baby making juice. Neither of us can, you know, make that."
"True, that needs to come 'freshly squeezed'. But don't worry, I'll handle it... get a cup ready", Buffy quipped.


"Hi Sailor!"
"I'm not a sailor, I'm a marine, at least I will be next fall. I just joined up. My name is Shane."
"Hi Shane, my name is Buffy"
Shane knew right then that he would never forget that name. He had never met anyone like this girl. She was fascinating. She seemed to make everyone else in the world, everyTHING else in the world, just fade away. She was like a drug.
"So what do you do Buffy?", Shane asked, praying she wouldn't see how nervous he was.
"Well, I'm actually a vampire slayer, but I also have other interests, like hypnosis", she said cheerfully. Shane didn't know what a "vampire slayer" was, and he didn't think he wanted to. So he quickly opted to focus on the second. It wasn't as good an idea as it seemed.
"So, hypnosis, huh, that's cool"
"Yeah, Hypnotizing people is such a rush! All I have to do is look deeply into a nice boy's eyes. Then he can't help but stare back. And just like you at this moment, they seem to naturally relax and fall into a blissful trance. I love the rush of knowing that at this moment you simply can't imagine anything more enjoyable than staring deeply into my eyes...deeply into my eyes ... deeply into my eyes .... nothing but my eyes .... that's right Shane, just relax and let go.
You are mine now. No need to fight it. Now Shane, tell me you are mine"
"I'm yours", Shane said. He was ridiculously easy.
"Good, now Shane, what happens to you when you are near a really pretty girl? Answer me honestly"
"I get... hard"
"You get hard. Are you hard right now Shane?"
"Good, that's so flattering. Now I want you to keep
getting harder and harder with each passing moment. You keep thinking about me, how sexy I am, how erotic my presence is. I want you to get up and walk over to the red head girl in the white sweater. She's going to give you a cup. Then go into the bathroom and ejaculate into the cup. Bring it back to the red head, then forget everything. Do you understand Shane?"
"Good Boy"

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