"I'm so glad that you are going to get to meet Alicia tonight. She has been dying to meet you", Rebecca told me. We had been dating for several weeks now. Lust and infatuation had become love. We were at the point now where we wanted to get to know everything about one another, and that included meeting friends and family. Alicia was actually going to be the first of Becky's friends that I had met.
"Yeah, I'm excited about it too. I hope she likes me."
Rebecca laughed, "Don't worry sweety, she'll LOVE you". I didn't know why she said it in that tone, but I also didn't give it much consideration. We decided to meet a coffee house that the girls used to frequent when they were in college. They had been roommates all four years, and still remained the best of friends. Alicia was a finance major, and currently worked for one of the city's hottest financial firms. Rebecca said she was extremely shy about men, had some weird hang ups or something. I kind of figured that meant she was ugly, but I didn't say that of course!
As I entered the coffee house, I saw my love and her "best friend", eyeing me all the all the way in. I must say, I was wrong about the ugly part, this girl was really cute. She had real nice red hair, and a very pleasant face. She was sitting next to Rebecca, so of course she paled in comparison, but even so, she was definitely hot! I had been nervous walking in, but seeing how good looking Alicia was, just seemed to make it worse for some reason.

"So, this is it, what do you think of him?", Rebecca asked, without saying a word to me. I felt like I was a new car or something.
"Mmmm. Tasty. You've done well my friend. A younger man too. Well, well", Alicia said, then laughed, "I'm sorry, we're soo bad! I'm Alicia", she said, extending her hand.
"Jason", I said, still a little off guard.
"Lee is this way with all the guys I bring home", quipped Rebecca

That had my interest peaked. I hadn't really heard much about the guys of Becky's past.
"Really, maybe she can tell me all about them!", I joked, well...half joked.
"Actually, Jason, you're the first I've met. In college, Becky and I were known as the "old maids", we didn't do much dating", Alicia said. I could tell she was actually not kidding.
"That's surprising, two beautiful girls like you"
"Not when you consider we went to an all girls school, and are kind of shy on top of that!", Alicia said.

"Yeah, Jas, you just happened to be so cute that I had to put my shyness away, just to make sure I could snag you.", Becky added
"Hmm, do you have any brothers?", Alicia asked.
"Lee is starting to get a little desperate.... among other things", Becky said. That made things a little uncomfortable. It seemed to bother Alicia too, "actually, Jas, Lee is a virgin. She kind of has a hang up about guys. Deep rooted self esteem issues.", Rebecca announced, somewhat callously.
"Bec, c'mon..", I murmured

"Yeah, Becca, this is kind of uncomfortable.", Alicia admitted. I could see she was surprised at Becky's behavior too. Becky turned to her, with a mischievous look, and said,"Alicia Shepard, feel my touch and hear my voice". With that, Alicia got a glossy look in her eyes. Oh boy. Becky just hypnotized her!
"Oh shit Bec!", I said, startled (turned on, but startled),"what are you doing?"
"My pet, you have no voice. Just watch me.", she said. She was right, I had no voice. So I just watched.

"That's right, Alicia, let my voice infiltrate your mind, let it cover your thoughts as it has in the past. Now, I want you to listen to me Alicia. You know that you have been hypnotized by me many times before, don't you?"
"That's right, you know that you enjoyed each time, even though you realized that you are completely under my power, and are unable to resist any of my suggestions. Isn't this true Alicia?"
"Very good, now let's go someplace more comfortable..."

We got our coats, and Rebecca lead us outside. As soon as we were out of the coffee house, she spoke to Alicia again.
"Alicia, as the cool air hits you, you realize you have become very sexually aroused. 25 years of sexual frustration have washed up upon you at once. You are too horny. You need an outlet for that sexual power. You need a man. All your fears and inhibitions have been over come by your desire. You pussy is so wet. You need to have a man inside you. You know that now."

At this point I was standing in front of the two friends, hard as a rock. I was in a trance, but I was still aware of what was going, I probably wasn't as deep under as Alicia. Rebecca looked at me and spoke, "Do you see that man in front of you Alicia? He is your key to sexual ecstasy, he is the only one who can relieve your desire. He is now the embodiment of every sexual desire you have ever had. You won't be able to rest until his thick cock fills you, do you understand?"
"Y-yes Yes", Alicia panted as she stared at me like an animal.

"Good, now both of you SLEEP NOW.", Rebecca said,"you are both very deep under my power. I love you both very much, you know that. You also know that you are powerless to resist my commands. Now, when I snap my fingers, you will awake. You will be meeting for the first time, you won't know each other, but you will be drawn to one another through and unresistable sexual attraction. I, however, will not exist to you. You will not see me, and you will only hear me in your subconscious mind. You will be my puppets, I will be controlling your actions, you will play out my story, do you understand?", Rebecca said as her best friend and I nodded.
I had always liked red heads. I didn't know where she came from but there in front of me was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. I became hard at the very sight of her. She seemed to be into me too. I didn't know what she was doing in this coffeehouse alley all alone, nor did I care, I just wanted to make love to her. I needed to make love to her.
"Let's go to the Seaport Hotel, room 1456", I said. I must have a room there. I couldn't wait to make love to her.

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