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Chase awoke with a startle. She had heard a sound on her terrace, the sound of footsteps. She quickly turned from terror to triumph. Batman had returned to her. She had taken him last night, in what had turned out to be one of her most powerful, seductive inductions ever. A normal man would have easily been her drueling little puppy dog after that. Batman was no normal man though. One of Chase's greatest assets had always been her unshakable self confidence. This time though, she had been a little nervous that he would prove to be stronger than she originally thought. |
'So far, so good', Chase thought as she made out his silhouette through the terrace doors of her posh Gotham penthouse. After she hypnotized him last night, she gave him very specific instructions on how he could prove his devotion and receive from her a hypnotic kiss. She had devised a brilliant plan. She needed something that would prove how deep he was. Robbing a bank or kidnapping someone |
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was not enough. He could stage that. She needed something that would be of great value to him. That's why she chose the Stasis Diamond. She knew full well that the diamond was the best bait available to snag Two-Face with. If he stole the Stasis Diamond to prove his devotion to her, he would have to do it knowing it would blow his best chance to capture the villain. Plus, what lady didn't love diamonds? Chase was nervous as she approached the doors. There was always the chance he had |
somehow broken free of her influence. As she opened the doors,
she could feel his brooding intensity. She was nervous, but she was sure to mask that with a flirtatious confidence, "Well, well. If it isn't the Dark Knight. What brings you here Batman?", she smiled. Batman said nothing for a moment. Mesmera decided to prod him, "Do you have something for me Batman?", she asked. He still said nothing. It was obvious now there was a major internal struggle going on. |
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"I do... but ... it's wrong, I ... Two-Face", he stammered. |
"Can I ask you a question Batman?", she asked. He said nothing,
which she took as a yes, "If the diamond was such a great way to
catch Two-Face, why did you steal it and bring it to me?" |
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dominated by me, of having no choice but to serve
my will. No confusion, no doubt, no worries, only desire. A burning desire
to please me, to serve me... that's what fuels you now, doesn't it?" "Yes...but... I need to stop Two-Face", Batman said. If he could just get Two-Face out of the way he would be free to serve Mesmera, there would be no distractions, he'd be able to let himself go so deep. "Why do you need to stop him?" "To protect Gotham" |
"Is that something you want, or something you need?" Batman was silent. "A need is something that burns within you, it is necessary for survival, necessary to be complete. For instance, I know how the thought of my hypnotic kiss electrifies you. It seems that you won't be able to focus on anything until you've experienced it. Even though you know it will change your whole world, placing you firmly under my hypnotic control, once and for all, you would still rather |
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die than go without it. We both know it's true Batman. Now,
would you consider that a want, or a need?", Mesmera asked. "A need", Batman responded. "I don't know if I believe you Batman. I want you to prove it to me. What is more important to you? Protecting Gotham, or protecting me?" Batman was silent again. A struggle was obviously raging beneath the cowl. Mesmera didn't want to risk this, she need to act, "Batman, look deep into my eyes.", |
she commanded, "look deep into my eyes and relax.Relax
all of your muscles and respond only to the sound of my voice. Fall back
now. Fall back into my eyes, fall back under my delicious hypnotic power.
Sinking into my eyes now Batman, hearing only the sound of my voice. Let
yourself go Batman. Relax for me. Let me hypnotize you...", she said.
Batman surrendered into her hypnotic spell. It was evident by his breathing, and what she could see of his eyes. "That's it Batman, so relaxed, back under my |
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power. Remembering now how delicious it feels. Wanting only
to serve me, to protect me, to worship me. I am your world now. Nothing
else matters. Your only desire is to please me, to prove yourself to me.
My hypnotic kiss is your ultimate desire. For once you are graced with my
hypnotic kiss, you are mine forever. It is an unbreakable hold that must
be earned. Do you want that kiss Batman?" "Yes" "Do you NEED that kiss Batman?" |
"Yes!", Batman answered feverishly. "Ahhh, that's the intensity I was looking for", Mesmera cooed. She further teased the hero by lightly caressing his lips with her silky soft fingertips. "But, I think I want to see this intensity build a little bit more. I don't think you're ready yet." "Please, I want it so badly", Batman pleaded. It wasn't often that he spoke in that tone. Mesmera laughed, "I'm sure you do. I'll have to think of a way to for you to prove yourself to me. It should be something more |
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impressive than a simple diamond though. That
would impress most girls, but I think you are well aware that I am not like
most girls. It's a nice thought though, leave it on the bureau on the way
out.", Mesmera told her slave as she turned and walked away from him.
He was crushed. She was playing with him, but he was falling for it. "When will I see you again?", he asked, like a highschool boy on a date. "When I decide what I want from you.", she told him. |