"I really appreciate this Marc", Al told his old friend.
"Like I said Al, it's no problem, really. It's a good deal for me, really, I'd never be able to afford this car."
"Well you deserve it pal, we should probably go over a few things."
"Ok", Marc said, hoping to finally be filled in on the details.
"Do you know what's going on with her?", Al asked.
"Only from what I've seen on TV, something to
do with Tom Gibson and Nicole Ryan, right?"
"Unfortunately, yes.", Al admitted, "she's been ... involved ... with Tom over the last few weeks."
"Is she the reason they broke up?"
"No. Nic and Tom are Hollywood's busiest couple, their schedules broke them up. She's just a distraction for him, but if the press finds out they are together, it will be very damaging to Tom."
"How does she feel about it?", Marc asked
"She is all for the attention. She's been a B-list
actress for ten years. She's been in a few good films, and a hell of a lot of forgettable ones. She thinks banging the king of the A-list is the way to get the notoriaty she's always missed out on. She's right too."
"You want her to, let's say, loose interest in him."
"That would be best case scenario, yeah.", Al said, "Shit, here she comes. By the way Marc, I was really sorry to hear about you and Alice. I thought you two were the super couple."
Marc didn't respond, other than a respectful
nod. Al got out to greet Tiffany's taxi.
As she started to get out of the car, Marc immediately noticed her sensual, long legs. He knew she would be beautiful, all Hollywood types are, but he didn't know she would be this beautiful. He felt a stirring in his pants. He reminded himself to stay professional.

"Hi Doll!", Al yelled, as if they were best friends.
"Al, why did you make me come to the middle of nowhere, what's going on?", she asked.
"I'm doing a little favor for Tom", he told her.
"Where is Tom? Is he here? I want to see him!"
"I know, and he wants to see you", lied Al, "but no, he is not here. He is in a more 'discreet' location. My friend Marcus is going to take you to him."
"Where is this place Al, I want to call Estelle and tell her where I am going to be."
Al laughed to himself. He would poke out his own eyes before he let her tell Estelle. Estelle was her agent, and Al knew how agents could be, after all, he was one.
"Cell phones don't work out here honey.", Al slipped in. It was true. He quickly moved on to the introduction, "Tiffany Fox, this is Marcus Lantieri."
"How do you do, Ms. Fox, it's nice to meet you, I am a very big fan", Marcus said enthusiastically.
"Hi", she said. Not very entusiastically.
"Marc and I grew up together, Tiff, he is one of my oldest friends. I known him even longer than I've known Tom."
"How long is the drive to Tom?", she asked.
"It's very short, and Marc will take good care of you.", Al assured her as he put her into the car, and Marc put her luggage in the trunk.
"I just don't know why this has to be so secret. Would it be so bad for the world to know we were in love?", Tiffany asked, in an overdramatic voice.
"Not at all", Al lied again, "and someday you'll be able to shout it from the rooftops. But for right now, we have to keep it quiet. It's what's best for Tom."
"I guess.", Tiffany reluctantly agreed.


Marcus was nervous. He didn't say a word for about 20 miles from their meeting point. She didn't either. Finally, he decided he needed to break the ice.
"I really am a big fan. I've seen almost all of your films"
Tiffany decided to test him. She doubted he had seen her films, few had.
"Which was your favorite?"
He was bagged. "I like all of them"
"So I figured.", she sulked.
"I actually don't watch much TV"

"How come?", she asked. She figured she might as well talk it up. This highway looked pretty long.
"I don't have one"
"Oh, are you one of those anti-tv book lovers or something?"
Marc laughed, he was far from it, "No my wife took all three of them in the divorce"
"Oh, I'm sorry"
"Don't be, she's not.", he quipped. Not in a bitter way, surprisingly. Tiffany laughed.
"What did you get in the divorce?"

"Three remote controls", he joked. Tiffany laughed out loud. This guy wasn't so bad.
"Can I ask you a question?", she asked.
"Do you think I'm a slut?"
Yikes. Marcus didn't see that coming.
"No, no not at all, why would I think that?"
"That's what the rest of America will think"
"It's not true though, I'm not like that. In fact, I don't even like ...", Tiffany stopped herself
Marc said nothing. There was an awkward pause.

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