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Dr. Eduard Beneš Czechoslovakian President. More...
Edouard Daladier French premier. More...
Hugh Dalton British Labour politician. More...
Admiral Darlan Vice Premier in the Vichy cabinet. More...
Admiral Davison Admiral of the United States Navy. More...
SS Hauptsturmführer Theo Dannecker Born 1913, belonged to the branch of the RSHA which specialized in the Jewish question. He reported to Adolf HIMMLER. Dannecker appropriated offices at 31, avenue Foch, and in 11, rue des Saussaies.
General Dempsey United States Army General.
Jacques Doriot Leader of the PPF.   More....
Guy D'Oyly-Hughes

D'Oyly-Hughes was a martinet. He seemed to be obsessed with discipline and instantaneous obedience to his orders. He was also ambitious of receiving high honours for his war service, hoping for a Victoria Cross. He was driving his ship's crew and particularly the airmen to their destruction by requiring flying in suicidal flying weather. Before the Glorious left Scapa Floe on this trip, D'Oyly-Hughes beached the commander of the air group, and sailed without him. The commander of the air group was led to understand that he would be courtmartialed. The reference to courts martial in the plural form in his message suggests that he was bent on punishing some other crew, as well. The Glorious was caught by the German heavy ship Scharnhorst, and shot to destruction, with heavy loss of life, including D'Oyly-Hughes. The commander of the air group was reassigned. (William Carmody)
