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Anthony Eden United Kingdom foreign secretary. (More...)
Adolf Eichman-n Head of the Gestapo's Department of Jewish Affairs. More...

March 19, 1906 Adolf May 11, 1960 Four Mossad agents abduct fugitive Nazi war criminal Adolf May 23, 1960 Ben Gurion announces to the Knesset that December 2, 1961 Adolf May 31, 1962 Adolf (Gene Hanson)


Brigadier General Dwight David EISENHOWER Deputy Chief, War Plans Division, War Department, Later Supreme Commander Allied Forces Europe, later President of the United States of America. (More...)
Joaquin ELIZALDE Philippine representative in Washington, United States of America. More...
Lieutenant Colonel Eugene L EUBANK:   Commanding Officer, 19th B.G. More...
Eugene Weidman The last man in France to be guillotined in public.
