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Tony Galento American heavyweight boxer. More...
Adolph GALLAND Ace fighter pilot and General of the Luftwaffe. More
Lou Gehrig New York Yankees baseball player. Struck down by ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) a disease later named 'Lou Gehrig's disease'.



Colonel Harold GEORGE


Commander, US V Fighter Command
Brigadier General Leonard T GEROW   Chief, War Plans Division, War Department. More...
Wing Commander Guy Gibson Leader of the RAF Dambusters raid. More...
General Henri Giraud Military leader of the Free French. Escaped German captivity. More...
Paul Josef Göbbels Nazi Propaganda Minister. More....

His speeches

Herman Göring Reichsmarshall and head of the Luftwaffe. WW1 fighter ace.


Joseph GREW:  US Ambassador to Japan. Biography
George Grunert Commander of the Philippine Department, May, 1940 - November, 1941. More...
General Guderian German Panzer General. More...
Alton Glenn Miller (1904 - 1944) Leader of the Glenn Miller Orchestra. Joined the United States Army Air Force and toured with his orchestra amongst the US bases in Great Britain. Biography. (Go to Biography link)
General Thomas German general.
