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Louis Brandeis First Jewish supreme court judge in the United States of America. More...
Lord Halifax British foreign secretary in the Chamberlain government. More...
Hermann Lang German Grand Prix racing driver for Mercedes. More...
Gwido Langer Polish cryptologist. More...
Pierre Laval French Prime Minister. More...
William N. LEONARD Father of Richard Leonard.

William was a Lieut. (j.g.) at the time (retired in 1971 as a RAdm) and was the division leader for this sortie. On his wing was Ens. Edgar Bassett. The other section in the division was led by Lieut. (j.g.) Elbert McCuskey, wing Ens. John Adams.

Robert Ley Leader of the German Labour Front. More...
General Ernst Linder Gen. Linder (1868-1943) had a very curious career, and it is a fitting illustration of the close Fenno-Swedish relationship. Linder had been born in Finland, but was Swedish by nationality and made his early career in the Swedish Army. In 1918, as a colonel, he resigned his commission and travelled to Finland and volunteered to serve in the White Finnish Army. There he became a personal friend of Gen. Mannerheim (whose distant relative he was), who was the Commander-in-Chief of the White Army. Later in the year Linder was promoted to Major General in the Finnish Army. Linder resigned his commission in the Finnish Army in 1920 and returned to Sweden, but failed to get a new commission there, and was transferred to reserve. In 1927 he was promoted to Major General in the Swedish Army reserve, and in 1938 Lieutenant General in the Finnish Army reserve. Thus it was quite natural for Mannerhem, now Field Marshal and again the C-in-C of the Finnish Army, to give Linder the command of the SFK. (Mikko Härmeinen)(203)
Kurt Lischka Member of the SD, he had been responsible for arranging details of the Kristallnacht progrom. More...
Richard Llewellyn Welsh novellist. More...
Sir Arthur Longmore Air Marshal of the RAF in the Middle East. More...
Joe Louis The 'Brown Bomber' American heavyweight boxer. More...
Laurence Olivier English actor. More...
