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Lieutenant General Jonathan "Skinny" WAINWRIGHT:  Commander, North Luzon Force, then of I Corps, and finally of all US forces in the Philippines More...
William Wallace American politician. Democrat. Crossed the house from the Republicans in 1936. Running mate for Roosevelt in the 1940 US elections.


According to the _Encyclopaedia Britannica_'s article on him:


Wallace was the son of Henry Cantwell Wallace, secretary of agriculture under Warren G. Harding, and May Brodhead. After graduating from Iowa State College in 1910, Wallace worked for Wallace's Farmer, a magazine founded by his father and grandfather, becoming its editor in 1921. An agricultural expert, his experiments with higher-yielding corn strains resulted in major advances in plant genetics, which he later developed into a highly profitable hybrid-corn business.

Although his family had consistently supported the Republican Party, Wallace broke with the party in 1928 over its highly protectionist tariff policies. Later he joined the Democratic Party, and his extensive familiarity with farming, combined with his success in delivering “conservative Iowa” to the “radical New Deal” in the 1932 national elections, made him a natural choice for secretary of agriculture (1933–40) during Roosevelt's first two terms. As agriculture secretary he formulated and administered New Deal legislation (especially the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933) designed to raise and stabilize farm prices, conserve soil, store reserves, and control production.

As vice president during Roosevelt's third term (1941–45), Wallace became the president's goodwill ambassador to Latin America and travelled in Siberia and China. When the United States entered World War II, he assumed many additional emergency duties, especially in national economic affairs.

Party conservatives—especially Southerners—opposed Wallace's re-nomination to the vice presidency in 1944, and he was replaced on the ticket by Senator Harry S. Truman. Wallace served as secretary of commerce for the next two years, but his growing public dissatisfaction with the Truman administration's hard-line Cold War policy toward the Soviet Union led to his dismissal from the cabinet in 1946. He became editor of the liberal weekly The New Republic (1946–47) and then left to help form the new left-wing Progressive Party. In his 1948 campaign as the Progressive's presidential nominee, in which he received more than one million votes, Wallace advocated closer cooperation with the Soviet Union, United Nations administration of foreign aid, and arms reduction. Later he broke with the Progressives and returned to private life.

(Will O'Neil)

Erich Warsitz Flugkäpitan and test pilot for the Luftwaffe. More...
General Archibald Wavell British general. Campaigned in North Africa. Defeating the Italians in 1940 and driving them from Egypt and much of Libya. More...b
Sumner WELLES US Diplomat, later becoming under-Secretary of State in the Roosevelt administration. 



General Weygand French commander-in-chief, 1940. More...
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