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Sh0utz t0:

Will- Y0 sup vat0 learn h0w t0 run game f0r 0nce...shit y0u g0t hella c0nvincing t0 d0 and changing and ap0l0gizing....H0pefully y0ull realize h0w g0od it was with me...and realize when a w0man is Fed up there aint nada u can d0

Jeremiah- Y0 wasSup miniggah l0lx...anywayz thanx f0r bein there when y0u didnt really have t0 be it seemed like y0u was tryna t0 take y0ur br0z place and i bet if y0u didnt c0me 0va when y0u did I pr0bably w0uldnt be hea at the m0ment0...thanx mij0 keep it real d0nt let n0 0ne get y0u d0wn and lo0k 0ut f0r numba 1....

Jer0me- Nigga when y0u gunna g0 t0 pris0n...shit y0u needz t0 behave y0u was 0ut pris0n 1 m0nth then y0u all in tr0uble...y0 thanx f0r da c0llect callz mi jefa g0t t0 pay f0r...haha...keep it real 0ne l0ve baybe....

Stan- Damn nigga hella pe0ple be all up in y0 ko0laid wiff n0 suga...shit keep it real and thanx f0r tryna be truthful.....

Casper- Thanx f0r bein there and l0 sient0 f0r g0in psych0 bitch at visitati0n and stuff...i was already hella pissed...thanx f0r tellin me what i need t0 kn0w even th0ugh y0u had t0 c0va y0 ass and say i lied ish all go0d i aint g0t n0 grudge this br0wn haired arist0crat and g0t nada per0 l0ve ese....

Kevin- Go0d luck wiff y0u n Megan..stay 0ut 0f tr0ublez...and st0p bein a fuqqin alkiez...

Adam F.- Dayum nigga thanx f0r mindin y0 business and shit...and keepin it real and da piggy back ride...st0p cutting 0ff cats headz n shit and d0nt be messin wiff me carnalaz weiner d0g either cause y0ull have a madd pregn0 w0man fr0m hell 0n y0ur handz eyyyy.....

Shawna B.- go0d luck with y0u n bret h0pefully he gets better eyyyy...stay d0wn h0mie

Shawna S.- Go0d luck wiff y0u and Gerbal...cant wait t0 fuqq dem dyke bitches up when i get 0ff my restricti0n....

Trina- Y0 girl my best friend in da wh0le w0rld...let me tell y0u la sh0rtii g0t much l0ve f0r y0u and alwayz will be d0wn fah yah....we all gunna g0 m0bbin when will gets 0ut s0 his ass gets pissed 0ff since u gerbalz sistah...

Kim S.- Damn girl st0p drinkin y0ur est0mag0 es fuqqed up like wh0a...we had 0ur crazii timez wiff Will and Jeremiah and had hella drama wiff th0se skankaz we call fat dykez...ish 0k if y0u bi cuz i kn0w y0u d0nt act like a man and shit n0 d0ubt d0 i still g0t l0ve f0r ya...

Kim M.- Damn w0man when y0u gunna make ur mind up g0t b0th y0ur babyz daddiz livin witchu...das pretty sad...haha 0h well best 0f b0th w0rldz eyyyy keep it real....

Raydell- My white and free vat0...damn what da fuqq make me all feel bad cuz im hispanic shit but das 0k i kn0w im free cause yeah la sh0rtii just is...l0lx anywayz...keep y0 head up and 0ut 0f tr0ublez f0r 0nce...1

Carver-Niggah i swear y0u and dis shit wiff will is hella trif...g0d lee...can i get a witness...we can still be h0miez...but i aint g0ing t0 ho0k up cuz i g0t my estil0 t0 w0rry b0utz y0 l0lx..

Mi Jefa Fuafiva- M0m s0rry I use t0 beat 0n was wr0ng i kn0w but g0t t0 admit dat right hand made ya cry....I l0ve u mama

Mi Jefe David- Hi daddy if y0ur reading this i l0vez u...and s0rry f0r da mas drama wiff jailbirds as y0u call dem i realize what y0u mean all al0ng....

Amy T.- Girl where y0u hiding n0w first springfield n0w sedalia...shitz c0me back c0me back...

Travii- y0 girl we had 0ur upz n d0wnz like wh0a but we survived it t0 have 0ur friendship keep it real n fuqq da BS...1

Lady Smiley-whas up mi carnala kn0wn ya f0r years and y0ur estil0 will neva change because ish always tight and f0rever will be l0ve ya ma....

Tragik- y0 u 1 smart jaina shit make me feel stupid das why i had t0 hella delete y0 shit l0lx...ish all go0d u can tag my new shit n0wz....

T0nia Alcala aka La Laughz-Hey guerita h0w u d0in go0d luck wiff mr. happy alcala and p0p s0me pretty babiez 0ut like platinum ice ya heardz...keep th0se cartaz fl0win as i shall 2 esa...

If I f0 g0t s0me0nEz let me nah meanz...