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Tomorrow Never Comes- a day in the life of me
My Thoughts
Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Dangers of Eating Disorders
What Is Recovery?
Identifying and Coping
Self Injury
You'll Never Know
Life Without A Voice- an essay by Aiysha
Anorexia Is- by Birdie
Suicidal? Read this...
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ugly. being so hungry that it hurts... but the hurt is good. It means you're becoming pure. having two ways of having a "good day" 1) you didn't eat, or you ate the right things at the right times and exercised for the right amount of time... so you walk around proud, clean, and happy... head raised high thinking everyone can feel your hipbones the way you do. 2) you're sick of this shit, you're gonna get better, you can love yourself, you can work through it all, you can. having a million and one ways of having a "bad" day. becoming thinner and thinner and having the person you love ignore it... being so fucking starved that you can't stop yourself so you eat and you eat and it's really not that much food, but you eat it and your stomach gets huge and bloated and you feel like you're dying. You’re pissed because you feel like all those months of starving are ruined. You hate yourself on a new, deeper level. Eating a whole chick filet value meal in the 2 minutes it takes to get home and crying hysterically the whole time. Almost choking on a waffle fry. Saying, “No thanks, just coffee and water.” With a huge smile and being happy about being able to say it. Watching other people eat and being disgusted by it… or being turned on by it. Or being hurt by it. A bowl of waffle house chilli looking like a five star meal. A man with ugly blond hair and bad cologne stealing you away and leaving you somewhere in the dark for a long time. Dancing on clouds. Perfection. Reading Francesca Lia block books and feeling right. Reading Marya and wanting to hug her because she knows what it’s like and didn’t just dump some bullshit onto paper for all the skinny girls to use as trigger material. Knowing Marya is only 26 at most and she’s gray headed and almost bald and has to be in a wheelchair because she couldn’t stop either. Falling in love and not being able to let go when you get hurt. Falling in love and enjoying the pain. The pain means your almost there. Going lower ad lower because perfection is never attainable. my mantra – 80808080808080.(75) Counting. Math. Making the quiet louder. A bitch. Not as shallow as most people think. Consuming. Crying because you had a bite of a cookie. Finding a way to enjoy ¼ of a bowl of unprocessed bran, because that’s all you’re getting today you disgusting sack of shit. Spending your day off perfecting the cucumber, tomato and salt salad. Knowing the calorie, fat and carb content of everything… everything… I swear to god, ask any of us anything and if we don’t know, we will within a matter of minutes. Waking up, going to the bathroom, taking a pee, weighing yourself, looking in the mirror and thinking, “I can’t be anorexic… I’m too fat.” Shitting once a week. Having bad dreams about people you love or want to love. Acting like you’re tough and can take anything and being ripped to shreds inside. Not being able to answer the question “why don’t you just eat?!” looking at other people and knowing right away. The way your eyes dart over a menu when at huddle house. Complaining about your stomach hurting for a few hours before meeting someone for dinner or lunch so you don’t have to bother with picking. Going to the library and checking out life sized and having the really pretty bird like girl at the desk raise her eyebrows at you. Reading Steven Levenkron and thinking he’s a dickhead. Trying to contribute the reason why to one thing. Knowing you aren’t really fat but thinking it anyway. Never sleeping anymore. Doing standing squats while you smoke. Rubbing your hands over your ribs and smiling this sick secret smile...

by Birdie