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Days and nights blend into one

as I sit here in mourning.

over a lost soul.

My soul.

The cries in the distance

fail to sharpen my existance

and I wither away to nothing.

A wave washes over me-

an ocean of pain and fear

drown my laughter

and still I lie here in mourning

for a lost spirit.

My life sentence of loneliness

punishes me beyond belief,

and I shut my eyes in deperation.

Blocking out tomorrow,

and closing in an enemy.

My enemy.

M enemy is a flame burning inside me,

but to endure an enemy’s pain

is to surrender onto death row.

Expectations torture me

and my conscience suffers beyond belief

as I reflect my feelings into actions

and cry out in agony

as I realise what I’ve done;

I’ve taken away everything I’ve ever had...

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