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You'll Never Know
Life Without A Voice- an essay by Aiysha
Anorexia Is- by Birdie
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You'll Never Know

You'll never know.

You'll never know how it feels to be powerless, numb to your actions and their consequences. 

You'll never know how it feels to be so far gone, to look into the mirror and not recognize the face of the person looking back with big blank eyes and an unwritten expression.

You'll never know why I do it, or why I don't stop; you'll never know that I can't.

You'll never know how it feels to think that eyes are constantly staring into and through you. 

You'll never know what its like to have so much hate for yourself built up inside of you.

You'll never know how it feels to end up crying on a bathroom floor and have that be the high point of your day.

You'll never know what thoughts go through my head while I'm on my knees with my finger stuck down my throat.

You'll never know what I think or how I feel inside.

You'll never know what drives me to do this.

You'll never know the actions I take or the lengths I go to.

You'll never know that I'm powerless or how much I hate being so. 

You'll never know how afraid I am, my main fear being myself.

You'll never know the taste of dry tears on your upper lip as you cry yourself to sleep at night.

You'll never know how afraid I am that my lie will be found out and I'd have to face someone familiar instead of that familiar stranger in the mirror.

You'll never know, but if I told you, you'd pretend to know how it feels, or how much I have to hate myself to do this.

You'll never know what I'm thinking because I hide my dissatisfaction with myself and my life. 

You'll never know who I am, but please carry with you that I can be anybody.

You'll never know...

by Laurie Ann