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The Fraser Valley Regional District covers approximately 13,000 square kilometers, stretching from Abbotsford and Mission through the Fraser Canyon, and straddling both sides of the Fraser River. It includes the municipalities of Abbotsford, Mission, Chilliwack, Harrison Hot Springs, Hope and Kent, as well as eight electoral areas, which include the hamlets of Lindell Beach, Hemlock Valley, Popkum, Yale, Spuzzum, Boston Bar, North Bend, Sumas Mountain, Hatzic Prairie, Deroche, and Lake Errock. A partnership of six municipalities and eight electoral areas, the FVRD provides many types of services to more than 220,000 residents. FVRD is mainly a high productivity agricultural low land in the foot plains of the Fraser Valley, as well as elevation regions of the coastal rain forest. The district encompasses primarily coastal Western Hemlock and Mountain Hemlock biogeoclamatic zone, with some smaller pockets of Engelmann Spruce - Sub Alpine Spruce in higher elevations to the East, and interior Douglas Fir in the Fraser Canyon. The Board has 20 directors and functions with a number of committees including an Electoral Area Services Committee as established in Letters Patent. Other committees are mandated by bylaw or are formed on the direction of the Chair

This page is an on going Summer project with the co-operation with the Fraser Valley Regional District's Water Department. The FVRD Has employed Lorne and Kevin to accomplish a major project that will look at the eutropication of Dickson and Channel lake and to compare with the treated water system to make clear an understanding of how the reservoirs react when the lakes warm.


This Is a picture of Cannell Lake which serves as the small reservoir for west Mission and as well serves as a back up system if the Dickson reservoir goes down

My Partner (Lauren) and I have to boat out to the middle of the Lake and take 9 different samples from three different sites on each lake


A picture of myself do some Lab analysis on the Cannell lake samples. Here I'm doing Nitrate/Nitrite sample on a DR2000. Or Lab testing site is located at the Cannell Lakes chlorination station 

Here Lauren is using a vandorenn grab sampler to take sample from a depth of 15 feet and 25 feet as well we have to take a sample from the surface.


This page will change dramatically once the test are being done and pictures are taken


(Above) Pictures of Cannel lake reservoir which serves as our back up reservoir. Below are pictures of Dickson lake which is our huge main reservoir that is situated 950 feet above sea level.



Below is found half way down from Dickson lake and is called the norrish intake dam this is when our water flows from Dickson lake to norrish creek and into the intake chamber when it is chlorinated.


This Page has not an official FVRD web page

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