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Taff's Well and Nantgarw Online

gets over 2500 "hits"

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Adrian Hobson - Your Plaid Councillor


Plaid Cymru's move into internet publishing has met with a very positive response from residents of Taff's Well and Nantgarw. You can see from our hit counter on the welcome page that this website is now 2500 "hits". Adrian Hobson explains what the future holds.

"Plaid Cymru is a modern party fully committed to developing an internet presence as well as continuing with our traditional and popular Taff's Well and Nantgarw District News.

The 2500 hits have been as a result of high ranking by search engines. Believe it or not we have only formally advertised the site to about 50 households!

We needed a more memorable address and we now have one in the form of;

Don't worry if you have already added the site to your favourites. Your links will still work."


More information on......

Taff's Well and Nantgarw District News has been produced by local Plaid Councillors for the last 27 years.  Councillors Gordon Bunn, Gerald Edwards and Ifor Jenkins have all been major contributors.

The "Plaid Newsletter" has built a reputation for being informative and reliable and has avoided the caustic and unpleasant style of Plaid's opponents.

Local Plaid Councillor, Adrian Hobson said, "We will still be producing and distributing the newsletter in paper format - we know people look forward to reading it - but we wanted to move into the electronic age. The online version of the newsletter gives us the opportunity to provide up-to-date information to a wide audience and to go into far more detail than we could ever afford to in the paper version.

The interactive features of the site will also help build e-democracy in Taff's Well. We can run polls to get a better idea about how people about important issues, we can provide lots of contact information and e-mail links. There are endless opportunities".

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Adrian Hobson

" Sharing information over the internet is the future of local democracy.

Remember that your Plaid Council has now provided internet access at every Library in Rhondda Cynon Taff.

You can view us online at Taff's Well Library."

Adrian Hobson