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THE following is a brief summary of the Irish families in Munster, beginning with the three branches of the race of Heber; namely, the Dalcassians, the Eugenians, and the Clan Cian.

I.- The Dalcassians: According to Connellan, the chief families of this sept were--
Lysacht, MacArthur, MacBruodin, MacClancy, MacConry, MacCurtin, MacDonnell, MacEniry, MacGrath, MacMahon, MacNamara, O'Ahern, O'Brien, O'Brody, O'Casey, O'Cashin, O'Considine, O'Davoran, O'Dea, O'Duhig, O'Grady, O'Hanraghan, O'Hartigan, O'Hea, O'Healy (modernized Haley and Hayley), O'Heap, O'Heffernan, O'Hehir, O'Hickey, O'Hogan, O'Hurly (modernized Harley), O'Kearney, O'Kennedy, O'Liddy, O'Lonergan, O'Meara, O'Molony, O'Noonan (or O'Nunan), O'Quinn, O'Shanahan (or O'Shannon), O'Sheehan, O'Slattery, O'Spillane, O'Twomey, etc. The following were also of the Dalcassian race: the families of MacCoghlan, chiefs in the King's County; O'Finnelan (or O'Fenelon), and O'Skully, chiefs in Teffia, or Westmeath.

II.- The Eugenians: Of these the chief families were--MacAuliffe, MacCarthy, MacDonagh, MacElligot, MacFinneen, MacGillicuddy, O'Callaghan, O'Cullen, O'Donohoe, O'Finnegan, O'Flannery, O'Fogarty, O'Keeffe, O'Kerwick (anglicised "Berwick" and "Kirby"), O'Lechan (or Lyons), O'Mahony, O'Meehan, O'Moriarty, O'Sullivan, O'Treacy, etc.

III.- The Clan Cian were, as already stated, located in Ormond or the present county of Tipperary; and the heads of the Clan were O'Carroll, princes of Ely. The other families were-- MacKeogh (or Kehoe), O'Corcoran, O'Dulhunty (anglicised O'Delahunty), O'Meagher, O'Connor, chiefs of Cianaght (now Keenaght) in the county Londonderry; and O'Gara and O'Hara, lords of Lieny and Coolavin in the county Sligo, were also branches of the Clan Cian of Munster.

IV.- The Ithians, who were also called Darinians, were descended from Ithe, or Ithius, uncle of Milesius.

V.- The Clan-ua-Deagha were also called Degadians and Ernans, from two of their distinguished ancestors; they were celebrated chiefs in Munster, but were originally descended, as already shown, from the Heremonians of Ulster. Of this Clan the principal families in Munster were -- O'Falvey, hereditary admirals of Desmond; O'Connell, of Kerry, Limerick, and Clare; O'Donegan, O'Fihilly, O'Flynn, O'Shee or O'Shea, O'Baisan or O'Basken, and O'Donnell of the county Clare, etc.

VI.- The Irians (or "Clan-na-Rory") of Ulster also settled several families of note in Munster, as early as the first and second centuries; of whom were the following: O'Connor, lords or princes of Kerry; O'Connor, lords of Corcomroe in Clare; and O'Loghlin, lords of Burren, also in Clare. Of this race were also O'Farrell, lords or princes of Annaly; MacRannal (anglicised "Reynolds"), lords of Muintir Eoluis, in the county Leitrim, etc.

VII.- Of the Leinster Milesians of the race of Heremon, were some chiefs and clans of note in Munster, as O'Felan, princes of Desies in Waterford; and O'Bric, chiefs in Waterford; O'Dwyer and O'Ryan, chiefs in Tipperary; and O'Gorman, chiefs in Clare. King Henry the Second, A.D. 1180, granted part of the kingdom of Thomond to Herbert Fitzherbert; but he having resigned his claims, it was granted by King John to William and Philip de Braosa. In the thirteenth century, King Henry the Third gave to Thomas de Clare, son of the earl of Gloucester, a grant of the whole kingdom of Thomond or "O'Brien's Country," as it was called; but the O'Briens and other chiefs in Thomond maintained for centuries fierce contests with the Anglo-Norman and English settlers, in defence of their national independence.

* IRISH: According to Connellan, many penal Acts of Parliament were in the reigns of the Henrys and Edwards, Kings of England, passed, compelling the ancient Irish to adopt English "surnames," and the English language, dress, manner, and customs and, no doubt, many of the Milesian Irish did take English surnames in those times, to protect their lives and properties, as otherwise, they forfeited their goods and were liable to be punished as Irish enemies. Hence, many of the ancient Irish families did so twist, and anglicise their names, that it is often difficult to determine whether those families are of Irish or English extraction; and hence, many of them of Irish origin are considered of English or French descent. In modern times, too, many of the Irish families omitted the O' and Mac in their surnames; but such names lose much of their euphonious sound by the omission, and, besides, are neither English nor Irish.
   Some of the Danish families who settled in Ireland were those of Dowdall, Drumgoole, Sweetman, and Palmer, in Dublin, Meath, and Louth; Gould, Coppinger, Skiddy, and Trant, in Cork; and Haroid (modernized Harold), of Limerick and Clare. Of those Danish families, some took Irish sirnames, and more of them prefixed "Mac" to their names, as did many of the Anglo-Norman and English families in early times. The following families adopted Irish surnames: De Burgo, of Connaught, took the name of MacWilliam, and some of them that of MacPhilip; De Angulo or Nangle, of Meath and Mayo, took the name of MacCostello; De Exeter of Mayo, to MacJordan; Barrett, of Mayo, to MacWattin; Staunton of Mayo, to MacAveely (mileadh: Irish, "a hero"), signifying "The son of a hero;" De Bermingham of Connaught and other places, to MacFeorais or MacPeoruis (signifying "The son of Pearse" or Percy, and a quo Pearse, Pearce, Peirs, Piers, Pearson, Pierson, Peterson), from one of their chiefs; Fitzsimon of the King's County, to MacRuddery (ridire: irish, "a knight"), signifying "The son of the knight;" Le Poer (anglicised "Power") of Kilkenny and Waterford, to MacShere; Butler, to MacPierce; Fitzgerald to MacThomas and MacMaurice; De Courcy of Cork, to MacPatrick; Barry of Cork, to MacAdam, etc. But it does not appear that any of those families adopted the prefix "O," which, according to the Four Masters was confined chiefly to the Milesian families of the highest rank.                                                   --CONNELLAN. 
                    1.-- LIMERICK AND CLARE ;   The Ancient Thomond

THE following were the Irish chiefs and clans of ancient Thomond, or the counties of Limerick and Clare: 1. O'Dea, chief of Dysart-O'Dea, now the parish of Dysart, barony of Inchiquin, county Clare. 2. O'Quinn, chief of Muintir Ifernain, a territory ahout Corofin in the county Clare. The O'Heffernans were the tribe who possessed this territory; over whom O'Quinn was chief. These O'Quinns had also possessions in Limerick, where they became earls of Dunraven. 3. O'Flattery, and O'Cahil, chiefs of Fianchora. 4. O'Mulmea (or Mulmy), chief of Breintire, now Brentry, near Callan hill, in the county Clare. 5. O'Haichir (or O'Hehir), chief of Hy-Flancha and Hy-Cormac, districts in the barony of Islands; and (according to O'Halloran) of Callan, in the county Clare. 6. O'Duibhgin, O'Dugan, (or O'Deegan), chief of Muintir Con-lochta, a district in the parish of Tomgraney, in the barony of Tullagh, county Clare. 7. O'Grady, chief of Cineal Dongally, a large territory comprising the present barony of Lower Tullagh, county Clare. The O'Gradys had also large possessions in the county Limerick; and, in modern times, the Right Hon. Standish O'Grady, Chief Baron of the Exchequer in Ireland, was A.D. 1831, created Viscount Guillamore. 8. MacConmara or MacNamara (literally a warrior of the sea) was chief of the territory of Clan Caisin, now the barony of Tullagh, in the county Clare. The Macnamaras were also sometimes styled chiefs of Clan Cuilean, which was the tribe name of the family; derived from Cuilean, one of their chiefs in the eighth century. This ancient family held the high and honourable office of hereditary marshals of Thomond. 9. O'Connor, chief of the territory of Fear Arda and of Corcomroe, at present a barony in the county Clare. 10. O'Loughlin, chief of Burren, now the barony of Burren, county Clare, which was sometimes called Eastern Corcomroe. The O'Loghlins and O'Connors here mentioned were of the same descent: namely, a branch of the Clan na Rory, descended from the ancient kings of Ulster of the race of Ir. 11. O'Connell, chief of Hy Cuilean, a territory south-east of Abbeyfeale, in the barony of Upper Connello, on the verge of the county Limerick, towards the river Feale, and the borders of Cork and Kerry. According to O'Halloran, the O'Connells had their chief residence in Castle Connell, in the county Limerick. In the twelfth century the O'Connells settled in Kerry, where they had a large territory on the borders of their ancient possessions. According to O'Halloran, the O'Falvies, admirals of Desmond; the O'Connells, of Kerry; O'Sheas, chiefs of Muskerry, in Cork; and several other chiefs, were descended from the Clan na Deaga, celebrated chiefs of Munster, originally a branch of the Heremonians of Ulster. Of the Clan na Deaga, was Conaire the Second, Monarch of Ireland, who was married to Sarad (daughter of his predecessor, Conn of the Hundred Battles, Monarch of Ireland in the second century), by whom he had a son, named Cairbre Riada, from whom were descended the Dalriedians of Ulster, and of Scotland. A son of Cairbre Riada got large possessions in South Munster, in the present counties of Cork and Kerry. 12. MacEneiry, chiefs of Corca Muiceadha, also called Conaill Uachtarach, now the barony of Upper Conello, in the county Limerick. The MacEneirys were descended from Mahoun, king of Munster, and brother of Brian Boru; and had their chief residence at Castletown MacEneiry. 13. O'Billry, a chief of Hy-Conall Guara, now the baronies of Upper and Lower Conello, in the county Limerick. 14. O'Cullen, O'Kenealy, and O'Sheehan, were chiefs in the baronies of Conello, county Limerick. 15. O'Macassa (Macassey, and Maxey), chief of Corca Oiche: and O'Bergin, chief of Hy-Rossa, districts in the county Limerick. 16. O'Mulcallen, a chief of Conriada, now the barony of Kenry, County Limerick. 17. O'Clerkin and O'Flannery, chiefs of Dal Cairbre Eva, in the barony of Kenry, county Limerick. 18. O'Donovan, chief of Cairbre Eva, now the barony of Kenry, which was the ancient territory of O'Donovan, O'Cleircin, and O'Flannery. The O'Donovans had their chief castle at Bruree, county Limerick. 19. O'Ciarmhaie (or O'Kerwick), chief of Eoganacht Aine, now the parish of Knockaney, in the barony of Small County, county Limerick. 20. O'Muldoon, also a chief of Eoganacht Aine, same as O'Kerwick. 21. O'Kenealy, chief of Eoganacht Grian Guara, a district comprising parts of the baronies of Coshma and Small County in Limerick. 22. O'Gunning, chief of Crioch Saingil and Aosgreine: Crioch Saingil, according to O'Halloran, is now "Single Land," and is situated near Limerick; and both the territories here mentioned are, according to O'Brien, comprised in the barony of Small County, in Limerick. 23. O'Caolidh or O'Keely, and O'Malley are given as chiefs of Tua Luimnidh or "the district about Limerick." 24. O'Keeffe, chief of Triocha-Cead-an-Chaliadh, called Cala Luimne, that is the "port or ferry of Limerick." 25. O'Hea, chief of Muscry Luachra, a territory lying between Kilmallock and Ardpatrick, in the barony of Coshlea, in the county Limerick. 26. MacDonnell and O'Baskin, chiefs of the territories of Corca Baisgin or Baiscind, now the barony of Moyarta, in the county Clare. O'Mulcorcra was chief of Hy-Bracain, now the barony of Ibracken; and O'Keely--probably the O'Keely above named--was another chief of the same place. One of the Corca Baiscinds here mentioned was the present barony of Clonderlaw. 27. MacMahon. The MacMahons succeeded the above chiefs, as lords of Corca Baisgin; and possessed the greater part of the baronies of Moyarta and Clonderlaw, in the county Clare. In O'Brien's Dictionary these MacMahons and MacDonnells are given as branches of the O'Briens, the posterity of Brian Boru; and, therefore, of quite a different descent from the MacMahons, princes and lords of Monaghan, and the MacDonnells, earls of Antrim, and the MacDonnells of Kilkee, county Clare, who were of the race of Clan Colla. 28. O'Gorman, chief of Tullichrin, a territory comprising parts of the baronies of Moyarta and Ibrackan, in the county Clare. 29. O'Diocholla and O'Mullethy or Multhy, were chiefs in Corcomroe. 30. O'Drennan, chief of Slieve Eise, Finn, and of Ginel-Seudna, a district on the borders of Clare and Galway. 31. O'Neill, chief of Clan Dalvy and of Tradree, a district in the barony of Inchiquinn, county Clare. A branch of this family went in the tenth century to Limerick, to assist in the expulsion of the Danes, over whom they gained several victories; and on one occasion, having worn green boughs in their helmets and on their horses' heads, they, from this circumstance, got the epithet craebhach (i.e.Ramifer), signifying "of the branches", a name which has been anglicised "Creagh." Of these Mac Gilla Craeibhe or "Creagh" family there are still many respectable families in the counties of Clare, Cork, and Tipperary. Some of those O'Neills, who were of the Ui-Bloid, of the race of Heber, changed their name to Nihel, and some to Newell; but they were all of the same stock as the O'Briens of Thomond. 32. O'Davoran, chief of Muintir Lidheagha (or O'Liddy), the tribe name of this clan; whose territory was situated in the barony of Corcomroe, and at Ballynalaken, near Lisdoonvarna, county Clare. 33. O'Moloney, were chiefs of Cuiltenan, now the parish of Kiltonanlea, in the barony of Tulla, county Clare. 34. O'Kearney, as chiefs of Avon-Ui-Cearney or O'Kearney's River, a district about Six-Mile-Bridge, in the baronies of Tulla and Bunratty, county Clare. 35. O'Casey, chiefs of Rathconan, in the barony of Pubblebrien, county Limerick. 36. O'Dinan or Downing, chiefs of Uaithne; now the barony of Owneybeg, in Limerick. 37. O'Hallinan and MacSheehy, chiefs of Ballyhallinan, in the barony of Pubblebrien, county Limerick. O'Halloran, chiefs of Fay Ui- Hallurain, a district between Tulla and Clare, in the county Clare. 38. Lysaght, placed in a district about Ennistymon; MacConsidine, in the barony of Ibrackan; O'Daly of Leath Mogha or Munster, in the barony of Burren; MacGillereagh (MacGilroy, MacGilrea, Gilroy, Kilroy) in the barony of Clonderlaw; MacClancy, in the barony of Tulla; and MacBruodin, in the barony of Inchiquin: all in the county Clare. MacArthur and O'Scanlan, in the barony of Pubblebrien; and O'Morny, in the barony of Lower Conello; all in the county Limerick.

  2.-- CORK AND KERRY The Ancient Desmond


CORK (in Latin "Corcagia," and also "Coracium") got its name from Corc (No. 89, p. 69), a prince of the Eugenian race, who was King of Munster, in the fifth century; Kerry (in Latin "Kerrigia") got its name from Ciar, son of Fergus Mac Roy, by Meava or Maud, the celebrated Queen of Connaught, a short time before the Christian era. This Ciar, in the first century, got a large territory in Munster, called from him Ciar Rioghact, signifying "Ciar's Kingdom"; hence, the word "ciaraidhe," anglicised "Kerry."
    The Eugenians, we saw, ruled as kings over Desmond or South Munster, which comprised the whole of the present county Cork, and the greater part of Kerry, together with a portion of Waterford, and a small part of the south of Tipperary, bordering on Cork; while the Dalcassian kings ruled over Thomond. From each race was alternately elected a king of all Munster; and, in that kingdom, this mode of government continued from the third to the tenth century, when Brian Boru, of the Dalcassian race, became king of Munster. After that period the O'Briens alone were kings of Munster and kings of Thomond; and the MacCarthys, who were the head of the Engenian race, were kings and princes of Desmond.
    When, on the English invasion, King Henry the Second landed at Waterford, in October A.D. 1171, Dermot MacCarthy, king of Desmond, waited on him the day after his arrival, delivered to him the keys of the city of Cork, and did him homage.* A.D. 1177, Henry II granted to Robert Fitzstephen and Milo de Cogan, for the service of sixty knights to himself and his son John and their heirs, the whole kingdom of Desmond, with the exception of the city of Cork and the adjoining cantreds, which belonged to the Ostmen or Danes of that city, and which Henry reserved to hold in his own hands. The MacCarthys maintained long contests for their independence, with the Fitzgeralds, earls of Desmond, the Butlers, earls of Ormond, and other Anglo-Norman and English settlers; and held their titles, as princes of Desmond, with considerable possessions, down to the reign of Elizabeth. They were divided into two great branches, the head of which was MacCarthy Mór: of whom Donal MacCarthy was, A.D. 1565, created earl of Glencare or Clancare, by Queen Elizabeth; the other branch, called MacCarthy Reagh, were styled princes of Carbery. Besides the earls of Clancare, the MacCarthys were also created at various periods barons of Valentia, earls of Clancarty, earls of Muskerry, and earls of Mount Cashel; and, had several strong castles in various parts of Cork and Kerry.
There are still in the counties of Cork and Kerry many highly respectable families of the MacCarthys; and several of the name have been distinguished commanders in the Irish Brigades in the service of France and Spain.

* Homage; See the poem "The Clan of McCaura".
   Irish Pedigrees, by O'Hart, 5th edition, pg. 107, vol 1 ================================================================


IN Cork, the following have been the Irish chiefs and clans: 1. O'Sullivan had the ancient territory of Beara, now the baronies of Beare and Bantry in the county Cork; and were called O'Sullivan Beara, and styled princes of Beara. Another branch of the family, called O'Sullivan Mór, were lords of Dunkerron, and possessed the barony of Dunkerron, in the county Kerry; and their chief seat was the castle of Dunkerron, near the river Kenmare. A third branch of the O'Sullivans were chiefs of Knockraffan, in Tipperary. The O'Sullivans are of the Eugenian race, of the same descent as the MacCarthys, princes of Desmond; and took their name from Suileabhan, one of their chiefs in the tenth century. In the reign of James the First, their extensive possessions were confiscated, in consequence of their adherence to the earls of Desmond and Tyrone in the Elizabethan wars; and the heads of the family retired to Spain, where many of them were distinguished officers in the Spanish service, and had the title of Counts of Bearhaven. 2. O'Driscoll, head of the Ithian race, chief or prince of Corcaluighe, called Cairbreacha, comprising the ancient extensive territory of Carbery, in the southwest of Cork. The O'Driscolls were lords of Beara, before the O'Sullivans in after times became possessors of that territory. 3. O'Keeffe, chief of Glen Avon and of Urluachra. Glen Avon is now called Glanworth, a place in the barony of Fermoy, county Cork. This family had afterwards a large territory in the barony of Duhallow, known as "Pobal O'Keeffe." In ancient times the O'Keeffes, the O'Dugans, and O'Cosgraves, were chiefs in Fearmuighe Feiné‚ now the barony of Fermoy; which was afterwards possessed by the family of Roche, viscounts of Fermoy, and called "Roche's Country." The O'Keeffes at one time were marshals and military leaders in Desmond, and were styled princes of Fermoy. 4. MacDonogh, chief of Duhalla, now the barony of Duhallow, in the county Cork. The MacDonoghs of Munster were a branch of the MacCarthys, and were styled princes of Duhallow; their chief residence was the magnificent castle of Kanturk. 5. O'Mahony, chief of Ivaugh, and Kinalmeaky. The O'Mahonys also possessed the territory of Cinal Aodha (now the barony of "Kinalea"), and a territory in Muskerry, south of the river Lee; both in the county Cork; and another territory called Tiobrad, in the county Kerry. They were sometimes styled princes; and possessed several castles, as those of Rosbrin, Ardintenant, Blackcastle, Ballydesmond, Dunbeacan, Dunmanus, Ringmahon, etc.- all along the sea-coast. 6. O'Callaghan, chief of Beara, and of Kinalea, in the county Cork. The chief of this family was transplanted into Clare by Cromwell, who gave him at Killarney considerable property, in lieu of his ancient estates. A branch of this family (who are of the Eugenian race) are now viscounts of Lismore. 7. O'Lehan (Lynis, or Lyons) was lord of Hy-Lehan and Hy-Namcha, afterwards called the barony of Barrymore, from the family of the Barrys, who became its possessors. Castle Lehan, now Castlelyons, was the chief seat of this family. 8. O'Flynn, chief of Arda (a territory in the barony of Carbery), and Hy-Baghamna, now the barony of "Ibane" and Barryroe, adjoining Carbery. The castle of Macroom was built by the O'Flynns. 9. MacAullife, chief of Glean Omra, in the barony of Duhallow, and a branch of the MacCarthys. Their chief seat was Castle MacAuliffe, near Newmarket. O'Tedgamna was another ancient chief of this territory. 10. O'Donnegan (or Dongan), chief of "Muscry of the three Plains," now the half barony of Orrery, in the county Cork. O'Cullenan was chief on the same territory, and was hereditary physician of Munster. 11. O'Hinmanen, chief of Tua-Saxon. 12. O'Mulbhehan, chief of Muscry Trehirne. 13. O'Breoghan (this name "Breoghan" is considered the root of Brown), O'Glaisin (Glashan, or Gleeson), O'Mictyre # and O'Keely were chiefs of Hy-Mac-Caille, now the barony of "Imokilly," in the county Cork. 14. O'Curry, chief of Ciarraidhe Cuire, now the barony of "Kerrycurrehy," in the county Cork. 15. O'Cowhey or O'Coffey, of Fuin Cleena, chief of Triocha Meona, now the barony of West Barryroe, in the county Cork. These once powerful chiefs had seven castles along the coast, in the barony of Ibawne and Barryroe. 16. O'Fihilly were also chiefs in West Barryroe. 17. O'Baire, anglicised O'Barry, chief of Muintir Baire, part of ancient Carbery in the county Cork and also chief of Aron. This family was of the Ithian or Lugadian race. 18. O'Leary, chief of Hy-Laoghaire or "Iveleary," and Iveleary, or "O'Leary's Country," lay in Muskerry, in the county Cork, between Macroom and Inchageela. 19. O'Hea and O'Dea are mentioned among the families of Thomond; they were also chiefs of Carbery, county Cork. 20. O'Donovan, also mentioned in Thomond, settled in Cork, and were chiefs of Clan Cathail, in West Carbery. 21. O'Beice or Beeky, chief of Beanthraidhe, now the barony of Bantry. 22. O'Casey, chief of a territory near Mitchelstown, in the county Cork. 23. O'Healy or Hely, chief of Domhnach-Mór-O'Healy or Pobal O'Healy, a parish in the barony of Muskerry, county Cork. 24. O'Herlihy or Hurley is mentioned in the families of Ormond; they were also chiefs in the barony of Muskerry. 25. O'Nunan or Noonan, chief of Tullaleis and Castlelissen, now the parish of Tullilease, in the barony of Duhallow, county Cork. 26. O'Daly, bard to MacCarthy, O'Mahony, Carews, and other great families. The O'Dalys were emninent poets in Munster. 27. O'h-Aedhagan (anglicised "Mac Egan") was hereditary Brehon or judge in the counties of Cork and Kerry, under the MacCarthys, kings of Desmond. The MacEgans were also hereditary Brehons of Ormond. 28. MacSweeney, military commanders under the MacCarthys, who, in the thirteenth century, brought a body of them from Tirconnell or Donegal, where they were celebrated as chiefs under the O'Donnells; and hence the head of the clan was styled MacSuibhnena-dTuadh or MacSweeney of the Battle Axes. In Munster, the MacSweeneys had the parish of Kilmurry, in the barony of Muskerry, and had their chief castle at Clodagh, near Macroom, and had also Castlemore in the parish of Movidy. 29. MacSheehy: This family was a warlike clan, brought from Connaught in the fifteenth century by the Fitzgeralds, Earls of Desmond, who appointed them their body- guards. Some of them changed the name to "Joy;" and of this family was the Irish judge, Baron Joy. They are considered to be originally the same as the Joyces of Connemara-- a race of men of tall and manly stature. The MacSheehys and O'Hallinans were chiefs of Ballyhallinan, in the parish of Poblebrien, county Limerick; and the O'Hallorans were chiefs of Faith-Ui Hallurain. a district between Tulla and Clare, in the county Clare. 30. O'Kearney were chiefs of Hy-Floinn, near Kinsale, in the county Cork. 31. O'Riordan, a clan of note in Muskerry; and distinguished military chiefs in ancient times. 32. O'Crowley, chiefs of Kilshallow, west of Bandon, and originally a clan from Connaught. 33. O'Murphy (originally from Wexford), a clan in Muskerry. 34. O'Ahern, O'Ronayne, and O'Heyne (or Hynes), were old and respectable families in the county Cork.
# O'Mictyre; This sirname ("mactire:" Irish, "a wolf") has been anglicised Wolfe.



IN Kerry, the following have been the Irish chiefs and clans: 1. O'Connor, king or prince of Kerry, was descended from Ciar, of the Irian race already mentioned; and took the name from Con, one of their chiefs, in the eleventh century, and from Ciar, their great ancestor; thus making the word "Conciar" "Conior," or Conchobbar, anglicised "Conner" (See No. 103, page 331). From a portion of the ancient inheritance of this family the present barony of Iraghticonnor takes its name. 2. O'Donoghoe was of the Eugenian race, and chief of Lough Lein; a branch of this family was the O'Donoghoe Mór, lord of Glenfesk or O'Donoghoe of the Glen. 3. O'Donnell (of the same race as O'Donoghoe), chief of Clan Shalvey (a quo Shelly); comprising the district called Iveleary, and a great portion of Muskerry. 4. O'Carroll, prince of Lough Lein. 5. O'Falvey, chief of Corca Duibhne (now the barony of "Corcaguiney"), and lord of Iveragh: both in the county Kerry. The O'Falveys were hereditary admirals of Desmond. 6. O'Shea, chief of Iveragh. 7. O'Connell, chief of Magh O g-Coinchinn, now the barony of "Magonihy," in Kerry. These O'Connells were a branch of the O'Connells of Thomond; descended from Conaire the Second, the  111th Monarch of Ireland. O'Leyne or Lane, chief of Hy-Fearba; and O'Duividin, chief of Hy-Flannain: districts in the county Kerry. 9. O'Neide, chief of Clar Ciarraidhe or the Plain of Kerry. 10. O'Dunady, chief of Slieve Luachra, now Slievlogher, on the borders of Limerick and Kerry. 11. O'Muircheartaigh (Moriarty, or Murtagh), and O'Hinnesvan (or Hinson), chief of Aos Aisde of Orlar Eltaigh, a district which comprised the parish of Templence, in the barony of Dunkerron. 12. The MaGillicuddys (a branch of the O'Sullivans) were chiefs of a territory in the barony of Dunkerron: from this family the Mac Gillicuddy's Reeks in Kerry got their name: and some of this family anglicised the name "Archdeacon." 13. MacElligot (or Elligot), an ancient family in Kerry, from whom the parish of Ballymacelligott, in the barony of Troughenackmy, got its name. From MacElligott the name of "MacLeod" was said to be derived; but "MacLeod" is of Scotch origin. 14. MacFinneen, MacCrehan, O'Scanlan, and O'Harney (or Harnet), were also clans of note in Kerry. ================================================================
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