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                                                       III. ARTICLES.

THESE "Articles" refer to the Irish Natives, who were to be admitted to be Freeholders: 1. "They shall have Estates in Fee-Farm." 2. "They shall pay the yearly Rent of two pounds, thirteen shillings four pence for every Portion of a thousand Acres, and so rateably for greater Proportion, which is after the rate of thirteen shillings and four pence for every sixty Acres, or thereabouts, and they shall pay no rent for the first year."* 3. "For their Tenures, they shall hold as the other Undertakers respectively, according to their Portions, with a Proviso of forfeiture of their estates, if they enter into actual rebellion. 4. "They shall inhabit their Lands, and build their Castles, Houses, Bawnes, within two years, as the former Undertakers." 5. "They shall make certain estates (or Leases) for Years, or for Lives, to their Under-Tenants, and they shall take no Irish exactions."*2 6. "They shall use Tillage and Husbandry after the manner of the English Pale."*3
* First Year: The few native undertakers do not appear to have made any objection to the payment of a so much larger rent than had been laid on the others; but they complained at being obliged to commence paying so soon, to erect their buildings in so short a time, and to relinquish their long-cherished and much-loved custom of creaghting (or "living by cattle").

*2 lrish Exactions: Like the Land System of the Hebrews, the Gaelic System, which obtained among the Gaels in Ireland, down to the seventeenth century, allotted a portion of land to each head of a family, for the sustenance of himself and those dependent on him; and each head of a family rendered towards the maintenance and dignity of the Chief of the Clan certain duties or "chief-rents," which were not, however, identical with the word rent, as now understood between landlord and tenant; for the Irish Chieftain was not the owner of the land, he was merely the head and protector of his Clan. The "exactions" above mentioned were, A.D. 1613, abolished in Ireland, in the reign of King James I., by the Parliament then held in Dublin, by the Lord Deputy, Sir Arthur Chichester.

*3 English Pale: This meant that the Irish who were to be admitted as Freeholders in the Ulster Plantation, were to turn their attention in a greater degree to cropping the lands, abandoning their own system of almost universal grazing and creaghting.

                                   IV. GENERAL PROPOSITIONS.

THESE "Propositions" were to be notified to the Undertakers of all sorts:
1. "There shall be Commissioners appointed for the setting forth of the several Proportions; and for the ordering and setting of the Plantation, according to such instructions as shall be given unto them by his Majesty in that behalf."
2. "That all the said Undertakers shall by themselves, or by such as the States of England or Ireland shall allow of, attend the said Commissioners in Ireland, at or before Midsummer next, to receive such Directions touching their Plantations as shall be thought fit."'
3. "That every Undertaker, before the ensealing of his Letters Patent, shall enter into Bond and Recognizance, with good Sureties, to his Majesty's use, in the Office of his Majesty's Chief Remembrancer, in England or Ireland; or in his Majesty's Exchequer, or Chancery, in Scotland or else before two of the Commissioners to be appointed for the Plantation, to perform the aforesaid Articles, according to their Several Distinctions, of Building, Planting, Residence, Alienation within five years, and making of certain estates (or leases) to their Tenants in this manner viz.; the Undertaker of the greatest Proportion to become bound in four hundred Pounds; of the middle Proportion, in three hundred Polinds; and of the least Proportion, in two hundred Pounds."
4. "That in every of the said Counties there shall be a convenient number of Market Towns and Corporations erected for the Habitation and settling of Tradesmen and Artificers; and that there shall be one free School, at least, appointed in every County for the education of youth in Learning and Religion."
5. "That there shall be a convenient number of Parishes and Parish Churches with sufficient Incumbents, in every County; and that the Parishioners shall pay ail their Tithes in kind to the Incumbents of the said Parish Churches.-- See Harris's 'Hibernica', pp. 123-130.

Of the 'Ulster Plantation' Hill says: "The undertakers would have neither act nor part in the plantation if required to hold their lands by oppressive feudal tenure of Knight's service, and they were consequently released therefrom; but the benefit which they thus secured for themselves they were obliged to share with their tenants, by letting their lands on the most liberal terms-- some in fee-farm, some by long leases, and none for shorter terms than twenty-one years. . . . The division and allotment of the lands, therefore, were not made merely that the undertakers, who had been generally needy men, should become wealthy at the expense of their tenants; nor were the latter brought here (to Ireland) to live simply as feudal serfs, reclaiming the soil in which they had no permanent right or interest. On the contrary, all these Conditions and Articles imply a mutual interest between the undertakers and the settlers on their estates, and are now of extreme importance as explanatory of the scope and purpose of the grants then made by the Crown."

                                        GRANTS AND GRANTEES.

EVERY undertaker's lands were erected, by the terms of his grant, into a Manor, with certain manorial rights and privileges; including at first the power of establishing Courts Baron, and of enclosing a certain number of acres as a demesne, according to the size, in each case of the proportion held by the undertaker. In this instance, the term demesne (from the Latin de mainsione) properly denotes that part of the estate attached to the Mansion, where the proprietor remains or resides. Other privileges were soon afterwards added, the most useful of which was that of appointing fairs and markets in all places where these institutions were required. The several grants only recite the names of the leading divisions of land in each proportion or estate. Each of those divisions, however, included several smaller parcels, which more correctly represent the numbers of our present townlands. The following were the Precincts or Baronies set apart, under the "Ulster Plantation" for--

                               1. ENGLISH UNDERTAKERS ONLY.


1. Rev. Richard Rolleston.           7. William  Brownlowe,  gent.,
2. Francis Sacheverell, Esq.            (son. of John above-mentioned)
3. John Brownlowe.*                     8. William Stanhowe.
4. Rev. James Matchett.              9. John Heron, gent.
5. William Powell, Esq.               10. Sir Anthony Cope, Knight.
6. John Dillon, Esq.
* Brownlowe: This name was then also spelled Brownlow, Bromloe, and Bromley (more lately Bramley).


1. Sir Thomas Ridgewaie, Knt.                      6. William Parsons, Esq., of the
2. John Leigh, gent.                                             city of Dublin.
3. Walter Edney, Esq.                                    7. William Turvin.
4. Thos. Edney, Esq. (brother of 3.)               8. Edward Kingswell, Esq.
5. George Ridgeway, gent.


1. William Glegge, gent,        5. Sir Ferdinand Tuchet, Knt.
2. George Tuchet                   6. Edward Blunte, Esq.
3. Lord Audley                       7. Sir John Davys, Knt.
4. Sir Marvin Tuchet, Knt.

4.-- PRECINCT of LIFFER (now LIFFORD), in the BARONY of

1. Henry Clare                          6. Sir Thomas Cornewall, Knt.
2. William Willson                    7. Sir Thos. Remyngton, Knt.
3. Edward Russell, Esq.           8. Sir Maurice Barkeley, Knt.
4. Sir William Barnes, Knt.      9. Sir Thos. Coach, Knt.
5. Captain Ralph Mansfield


1. Sir Hugh Wirrall, Knt.       4. John Sedborough, Esq.
2. Robert Bogas, Esq.           5. Thos. Flowerdewe, Esq.
3. Robert Calvert, gent.

6.-- PRECINCT of LURG and COOLMAKERNAN, (now the baronies of COOLE
       and  LURG)  CO. FERMANAGH

1. Thomas Flowerdewe, Esq.            5. Edward  Warde, gent .
2. Thomas Blenerhassett, Esq.        6. Thomas Barton, Esq.
3. Sir Edward Blenerhasset, Knt.    7. Henry Honynge or Hennings, Esq.
4. John Archdale, Esq.


1. Sir Richard Waldron, Knt.          4. Sir Nicholas Lusher, Knt.
2. John Fishe, Esq.                          5. Sir Hugh Wyrrall, Knt.
3, Sir Stephen Butler, Knt.             6. John Tailor, gent.

                                End of the English Undertakers

                              II.  SCOTCH UNDERTAKERS

THE following were the Precincts or Baronies set apart for the Scottish
Undertakers, only:


1. Sir James Douglasse (or Douglas), Knt.    4. William Lawder, gent.
2. Henry Acheson, gent.                                  5. Claude Hamilton, gent.
3. Sir James Craig, Knt.

2.-- PREClNCT of MOUNTJOY (or a part of the BARONY of

1. Andrew Stewart, Lord Ochiltree.     4. Geo. Crayford (or Crawford),
2. Robert Stewart, gent.                            Laird of Locnories.
3. Sir Robt. Hepburne, Knt.                 5. Bernard Lindsey.
                                                               6. Robert Lindsey.


1. James Hamilton, Earl of Abercorn.   5. Sir George Hamilton, Knt.
2. Sir Claude Hamilton, Knt.                 6. Sir John Dromond (or  Drummond),
3. James Clapen (or Claphame), gent.     Knt.
4. Sir Thomas Boyd, Knt.                      7. James Haig, gent
                                                                8. George Hamilton, gent.

4.-- PRECINCT of  PORTLOUGH (or a part of the BARONY OF RAPHOE)
     Co. DONEGAL

1. The Duke of Lennox.                          6. James Cunyngham, Laird of Glangarnocke.
2. Sir Walter Stewart, Knt.,                    7. Cuthbert Cuningham
   Laird of Minto                                      8. James Cuningham, Esq.
3. Alexander McAula, of Durlin, gent.   9. John Stewart, Esq.
4. John Cuningham, of Crafield (or Crawfield).
5. William Stewart, Laird of Dunduff.


1. Sir Robert Maclellan, Laird of             5. James McCullock (or M'Culloch),
   Bomby.                                                       gent.
2. George Murraye, Laird of Broughton  6. Alexander Dunbar, gent.
3. William Stewart, Esq.                            7. Patrick Vans, of Libragh, gent.
4. Sir Patrick Mackee, of Laerg, Knt.      8. Alexander Coningham, of Powton,


1. Michael Balfoure (or Balfour),            4. Thomas Monepeny (or
    Lord Burley.                                               Moneypenny,  Laird of
2. Michael Balfoure, his son.                         Kinkell.
3. Sir John Wishart (or Wiseheart),        5. James Trayle, Esq.
    Knt., Laird Pettaro.                              6. George Smelhome (or Smailholme).


1. Sir John Home (or Hume), Knt.                4. Jerome Lindsey, Esq.
2. Robert Hamilton                                        5. William Fowler, Esq
3. James Gibb.                                              6. Alexander Home.
                                                                        7. John Dunbarr, Esq.


1. Sir Alexander Hamilton, of        4. John  Achmootie  (brother  of
   Endervicke, in Scotland, Knt.         said Alexander
2. Sir Claude Hamilton (his son),   5. John Browne, of Gorgeemill, gent.
3. Alexander Achmootie (or Achmouty).


1. Esme Stuart, Lord Aubigny (son of Esme Stewart, the first Duke of Lennox)
2. William Bailie, Esq.
3. John Raleston, Esq.
4. William Downbarr.

                                   End of  Scottish Undertakers.

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