Choose Your Path, Young PadawanSo this is the place where the interests are divided, I suppose. Do you follow the Dark Side, and choose my less-than-inspiring fanfiction, all of which is supremely old? Or do you check out my awesome scuba pictures and read me babble on about diving? The choice is yours, young padawan. Choose well, you should.
I Take the Fiction! Yeah, baby!
Here your path will take you to the inventory I have of fiction.. not all of it's mine (thank whatever Gods there are), but you'll get a choice of which authors to choose from (currently I only have four, including myself), and hopefully you'll find something suited to your tastes.
Diving is the way to go, m'man
Here you get to check out my cool little section on diving. You get to see photos of the divers I hang out with, including short, insubstantial bios completely done by my beligerent hand, and I'll do a bit of a brief on some of the dives I've done, some good places, and what classes are like. Even some links to big agencies like PADI and NAUI. Check it out, chicos and chicas.
Stop by the Shrine, I Will
Here you can check out my 'Shrine of an Obsessed Fangirl'... it hasn't been updated since I was fourteen (cripes, I turn seventeen this month), so it's a bit outdated and any crushes I had then are soooo over, but there are some good pictures and I'll fix it up soon, so check it out if you want.