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Seselj: "All the Croats have to get out of Serbia", May 15, 1992.


"We will give the address of a Croatian family living in Serbia to a Serb refugee family, in order that they may find them and move into their homes, and the Serbs should give their former addresses in Zagreb, Rijeka, Varazdin to the Croat family," said among other things, Dr. Vojislav Seselj.

The Serbian Radical Party hold its election campaign meeting in Novi Zednik on Sunday. One of the speakers was the president of the local caucus of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS), Bozidar Vujic, who was presented as the Candidate of the party on the federal level. He spoke of the situation of Serbs and of Serbia, emphasizing that the "terror of the red dragon" has led to a state of widely flourishing notions of separating parts of northern Serbia, as well as to ideas about joining northern Serbia to Hungary. He has reminded the audience that as a requirement for employment, one had to be able to speak Hungarian, that the cyrillic alphabet has been almost abolished, that the Serb Orthodox cemeteries are uncared for, and if not, they show signs of neglect. Putting it simply, Vujic spoke of the legal deprivation of Serbs in northern Serbia, and about the determination of his party to fight for the interests of Serbs, so that the same situation does not recur as in the case of former Yugoslavia. He made strong commitments consisting of fundamental, and radical changes in order to eradicate the notion of secessionism. After that, he spoke of the economic program of the SRS, promising an active progress in the domain of agriculture and investments.

The president of the Party, Dr. Vojislav Seselj welcomed the forming of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and the fact that the new state has managed to preserve its international continuity, despite the well known fact that this action has stirred up the intense reaction of the United States, has caused the resignation of Genscher, and the efforts of many European allies to cast out Yugoslavia, from the European Community. Seselj has made it clear, that no one, except the Serbs, will be the creators of Serbian politics. He has also reflected on many aspects of the Yugoslavian crisis, declaring Veljko Kadijevic, a traitor, as well as Ante Markovic, and Budimir Loncar, "Those three spies wanted to reduce Serbia within the borders of the Pashaluk of Belgrade" said Seselj.

Agoston and the Hungarians

Seselj also spoke about the threats that a southern front might be opened. Regarding those threats, he answered that the opening of a southern front would be good, because in that case, what has already been started in Kosovo, could be completed, that is the driving out of. Albanians from Kosovo to Albania. Similar actions could be taken against the Muslims of Sandzak, if they persist in their secessionist endeavours.

As far as our Bunjevac, and Sokac brothers are concerned, we are interested that they may preserve their national identity, and not to allow to be assimilated, especially, if the threats of assimilation comes from the evildoer Croatian nation, which is burdened by Jasenovac, and by a river of Serb blood spilled throughout history.

As far as the Hungarian minority is concerned, we have a very different standpoint. A fair amount of Hungarians, who live in our country are being loyal to Serbia, and Yugoslavia. There were enough Hungarian volunteers on the battlefields of Baranja and Slavonija. These Hungarians are our brothers in arms, and all of those who are loyal to the state of Serbia, but the Hungarians who follow Agoston and the DCHV, have no place in Serbia. They must seek refuge throughout the wide world, because Serbia is not going to tolerate them.

Driving out the Serbs and the Croats

Speaking of the Croats in Serbia, Seselj has repeated his previous standpoint that the Croats must be expelled from Voivodina and from Serbia.

Tudjman has driven out 300,000 Serbs from the territory of Croatia. We have to house these Serbs, feed them and provide a roof over their heads. But we have no money to build houses for them, open up workplaces for them. If Tudjman has driven out so many Serbs, what are Croats in Serbia waiting for?! The Serbian Radical Party is committed that all Croats be driven out of Serbia as soon as possible. Let them accuse as of being undemocratic, or being fascists. Why didn't the same ones raise their voice, when Tudjman drove out the Serbs, we never thought of driving out the Croats, but now we have to. said Dr. Vojislav Seselj. We will give the address of a Croatian family living in Serbia to a Serb refugee family, in order that they may find them and move into their homes, and the Serbs should give their former addresses in Zagreb, Rijeka, Varazdin to the Croat family, said among other things, Dr. Vojislav Seselj. We are not going to kill women and children, something that Tudjman is doing as a matter of routine, but there is no way as them staying in Serbia. All the Croats must get out of Serbia. There is no place for negotiations in this matter. The Serbian Radical Party will endure with its demand till its last breath, said among other things, Dr. Vojislav Seselj.

After that, he spoke of the opposition parties of Belgrade and Novi Sad, calling them traitors, because they promote the disunity of Serbian people. He spoke namely about Dragoljub Micunovic, and Vuk Draskovic, who did everything to bring Serbia to the brink of collapse. He mentioned the events of March 9. of this year, and last year. "These traitors are ready to bring Serbia down to the level of a Gypsy alley, just so that they may come to power."

Seselj spoke of the Communists, Karadjordjevic, the Macedonians, about the traitorous generals, Albanians of Kosovo, the Muslims of Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Sandzak, he mentioned that the Serbian Radical Party has worked out a plan to lead out Serbia from the current economic crisis.

(I. B.: Svi Hrvati treba da idu iz Srbije. - Subotičke novine, 1992. V. 15.)