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"Your rights does end where the else's does begun", May 25, 1992.


The Slavonia, Baranya, and West-Srem serbian district's newly established radical party's programm contains numerous really "radical" targets.

According to the television "some thousands of citizen had met in Vukovar, to listen to the speech of voivode Šešelj, and to be present at the himself conducted Radical Party's local, i.e. serbian district's constituent assembly.On the assembly held within the famous ruins, not him only,but also a young man, Rade LESKOVAC, the district's information vice-minister, wellknown from the tv, was remarked for his extreme view points :" If us, i. e. the serbian Krajina republic will not be recognized, despite of the results of the general plebiscite, done before the beginning of the war, a new war is expected. We will fight, the masses of the refugees will underflow Europe and then it may see what to do with these wretched ones.". In the following, it comes out that the main duty of the Radical party's local organisation is to create the new republic's statehood.We must prove, that we are apt for that. In front of the whole the world - says he.

"But the internal conflicts had begun between the leaders of the new republic." - do we remark. "That's a secondary question ! This phenomenon, is a relict of the past.Do you understand ? The relict of the harmful bolshevik ideology.We do fight for the truth, and the serbhood's unity. In such a point of view, we had spoken about the hungarian's party and in general about the hungarian, and AGOSTON. We do not discuss,that they have the right to function, but their activity in the parliament, that is what we do not like. They lie and speak about any kind of outlawhood and jeopardy, which are not true.".

"Which are the rights of the hungarian,in this new republic?". "They have all the rights, that is due to the national minorities! Even more than the internationally recognized rights. We serbs, are not bad men.As long as we are not insulted... Here, those 13,000 hungarian had never lived badly. In the Erdut (Erdõd) winecaves, hungarian do work mainly, without any conflicts. Soldiers are between them also. Neither them, neither their family members had been insulted. But I have to tell, that AGOSTON's activity had quite a lot bristled up the tempers, and that's hurting our feelings...".

And afterwards Rade Leskovac sent a message to the hungarianhood. As follows :" You are not in need of that. Stand by those attainments, at you have outfighted for. You have not to allow to different individues to make disturbances and misguide the hungarian people, and then to feel like outcasted and humiliated. Perhaps someone could be more brisked than as I am. But I know what it does mean to be persecuted on my own soil, because I was too expelled out of Osijek (Eszék). The climate of opinions can be easily transmitted to other regions, so you'll have to beware of that. No, that's not a threat, but only a reference not to cross the borders. You'll have to remember,that your rights does end where the else's does begun. And if you can understand that, there'll be done not any harm.".

Thanks for the friendly disposition. We understood.

MAGYAR SZO, 25th of May 1992.