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Elektronikus Könyvtár

Statement of the DCHV's Human Right Commission, January 18, 1992.


We ware indignantly informed about the authorities another outrage against Voivodina's peace-loving hungarians. Namely that Tamás VELENCEI, a Banate romano-catholic parson (priest to the villages of Majdán (MAJDAN) Rábé (RABE) and Oroszlámos (BANATSKO ARANĐELOVO), has been kidnapped on 11 December 1991, in humiliating circumstances, by two policeman from Törökkanizsa (NOVI KNEŽEVAC) community. They forced Tamás Velencei against his own will and intention, to go to the croatian battlefield and participate to the senseless civil war. Even that fact that their victim was gravely suffering, from long ago of a heart ache, couldn't importune neither the police nor the military authorities in their activity, nor that the shock caused by the mobilization order given him, consequenced a minor hearth myocardial infarctus.

On behalf of religious leader's interceding, in the mean time, Tamás VELENCEI had been sent from the Baranya battlelines to the Subotica garrison no. 1, where he's kept to this day and forced to do menial tasks. His morals and situation are aggravated through the fact, that a couple of days ago, a person, known by now to the police, demolished the shutters and windows of the Oroszlámos personage.

All these, to our opinion, are concording with the intimidating maneuvers against the north-Banate's, and in larger meaning, Voivodina's hungarians. This though we ask every honest, peace-loving person, and especially the Human Right societies, to intervene on Tamás Velencei parson's behalf.

Our statement shell be sent to the international human right societies.