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Csubela proceeded according to the Voivodinian Hungarians interests, April 16, 1992.


In the beginning of April 1992, 83 hungarian reservists had refused unitedly, in Stara Moravica, to go up to the front.

Their decision done, they informed the delegate Ferenc CSUBELA, president of the local DCHV section who assured them about his aid and since the group remained together he had regular connection with them. The village and its surroundings people had given voice of their opinion, on a dignified meeting, that they approve the reservists decision. The mass-meeting had been organized by the DCHV's section, but between the speakers other democratical associations representatives had also taken place. The army and the territorial defence forces leaders could not convince the reservists and they persisted in their decision, that they will not go up to the front. The army had'nt meanwhile utilised force against the reservists, so they could go home in peace. This after under the organisation of the DCHV, had taken place an open meeting, to which the army's juridic experts had been invited. They wanted to know, that on which juridical basis the army takes to the front the reservists into the bosnian civil war. The army's juridical experts did not came to this democratical meeting.

At their place arrived the announcement of the Provincial

Territorial Defence's Command, in which stayed that Ferenc CSUBELA was responsible for the disobediency of the reservists. Further, that CSUBELA started a campaign against the Yugoslav National Army, "aggressively" and "liesfully". And, that he had elevated barricades and wanted to defend them by armed people. This for, the announcement initiates to start a criminal procedure against the "organizers".

The Presidency of the DCHV, on its session of april 16th, had analysed this situation and established once more these:

1) The announcement of the Provincial Territorial Defence's Command is another proof, that the leading serbian authorities, the Socialist Party and the mass-medias under their influence are continuing in more and more malicious forms, the psychological warfare and warpropaganda against the DCHV and the voivodinian hungarian people. In consequence, more than 25.000 hungarian people had to fled from Voivodina, and those who stayed, in great majority, had been taken, by force to the fronts of the civil war, generally into the first lines. Although hungarian people are only 3% of the serbian inhabitants, they are present between the called up in 7-8%.

2) In connection with the Stara Moravica events, the Presidency of the DCHV takes out, that the called 83 reservists, had decided themselves that they won't go up to the front.

The manifested attitude of Ferenc CSUBELA, in the arisen situation corresponds entirely to the fundamental interests of the voivodinian hungarians and reflects the opinion of the widest layers of our people. The DCHV is against the civil war, from the very beginning. It stays also against the unconstitutional and unlawful, forced mobilizations. So it supports entirely the Stara Moravica reservist's and Ferenc CSUBELA's stepping up.

3) It does not correspond to the truth, that Ferenc CSUBELA and the "organizers" had elevated barricades, which ones they wanted to protect by armed people. The voivodinian hungarians do not erect any barricades for they are not armed to protect them. If it comes, here by to atrocities, that could be done only if the armed serbs, or the serbian authorities supported paramilitary units, do employ means of coercion against the hungarian people.

4) The DCHV urges on henceforward the dialogue and the tolerant cooperation. It does see any exit from the present grave situation, only if the unlawful and forced mobilizations do end, and nor the hungarians nor anybody else won't be forced into the present civil war, which is by now condemned by the entire civilised world.The Presidency of the DCHV