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Elektronikus Könyvtár

We Shall Engage in the Political Struggle, May 16, 1992.


The Advisory Board of the DCHV on its meeting held on May 16, 1992, in Ada has concluded:

1. Due to the grave political pressure by the ruling government institutions, and in the midst of the ongoing war propaganda, for the Hungarians of Voivodina, the conditions for democratic elections do not exist. The Advisory Board of DCHV is therefore joining forces with those political factors, which are questioning the legitimacy of the upcoming elections, and it has decided that it will relate its experience to the proper domestic and foreign public.

2. The Advisory Board deplores the fact that in the Municipality of Kanizsa, the authorities are applying political pressure upon the otherwise already intimidated and frightened population by their direct military presence. The obviously unnecessary, and the disproportionate mobilization of the Hungarian population is also considered a form of political pressure. The repeated and constant threats by influential political figures, and the ban on return of the ethnic Hungarians, are decisive factors in the changing of the ethnic structure of the region, and a potential hazard of impending atrocities and they constitute the imminent danger of ultimately driving out the Hungarian population from the region altogether. The mobilizations and the absence of the refugees defy the legitimacy of the elections.

On the top of these, there are the manipulations of the electoral officials, in many cases prevent the DCHV from listing its candidates.

3. Despite these difficult circumstances, the (DCHV) has strived to put its own candidate in every district where Hungarians live. This is not only necessary, because it provides moral support for our people, but also for the reason, that during these difficult times, the Hungarians of Voivodina want to adhere to the political power due to them, especially in the local governments.

The Advisory Board of the DCHV is appealing to Hungarians of Voivodina to support and vote for the candidates of DCHV. With our votes, we shall prove again, that we wish to live in peace, democracy and freedom, with the people in this region.

The Advisory Board of DCHV