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András Ágoston to Anna Maria Demmer, November 12, 1992

Dear Ms Demmer,

Yesterday, on November 11, 1992 Ms Kumin, the deputy of the UN Commissariat for Refugees asked for my opinion concerning the problems of vital importance for the Hungarians of Vojvodina. She said that they would like to make investments in 10 of the 50 settlements of Vojvodina, thus enabling permanent accommodation of the Serb refugees with funds supplied by the OUN.

Four of the ten settlements are in the region inhabited by Hungarians in large numbers and the colonization of the refugees would definitely upset the ethnic balance of the region. There is also a significant number af Hungarians in other three settlements where the permanent accammodation of the refugees would be solved by UN investments.

In my opinion this project fully supports the aspiration of the Serbian government to break up the ethnic composition of Northern Bačka. I have personally informed you about this colonization project.

On behalf of the Democratic Community of the Hungarians of Vojvodina, I told Ms. Kumin that the execution of the prospective investment project practically means that by the utilization of its own funds, the UN will assist in breaking up the ethnic composition in regions mostly inhabited by minorities.

Regarding the fact that several documents of the UN forbid the breaking up of the ethnical composition by force, I would like to ask you to take the advantage due to your authority and thus prevent forced colonization in Northern Bačka with the assistance of the OUN.

Hoping that you would not like to multiply the problems, the Hungarians in Vojvodina are looking forward to your powerful intervention.

Sincerely yours, András Ágoston