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Elektronikus Könyvtár

Gert Westerveen Ágoston Andrásnak, 1993. I. 25.


25 January 1993

Dear Mr. Agoston,

I refer to your letter to Mrs. A.M. Demmer and to Ms. J. Kumin, of 2 January last, concerning the reception of 200 refugees in Temerin.

As we were not aware of UNHCR financing the transformation of the elementary school "Kokai Imre" in Temerin into a refugee centre, I travelled to Temerin last Friday, to discuss the matter with the local representative of the Serbian Refugee Commissioner, Mr. M. Okljesa, and I would like to inform you of what I learned from him.

You may recall that in the course of December 1992, Mr. Radovan Karadzic suggested that the city of Sarajevo be evacuated. Following that suggestion, the Serbian Commissioner for Refugees drew up a plan for the reception of 30.000 refugees from Sarajevo in Serbia. In that plan, of which UNHCR has a copy, Temerin would have to take care of 200 refugees. The local authorities in Temerin had indeed chosen the "Kokai Imre" school as a temporary reception center, from where the refugees would be directed to host families or alternative accommodations. According to Mr. Okljesa, the school was to revert to its normal function before 18 January 1993.

I would like to add that UNHCR declined to be involved in the organisation or implementation of the proposed evacuation, and that it was not involved in the drawing up of this distribution plan for refugees from Sarajevo.

I hope that this information satisfies your concerns, and I would like to take this opportunity to suggest that we meet shortly to discuss this issue and any other matters of mutual interest.

Gert Westerveen Head of Field Office Novi Sad