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Elektronikus Könyvtár

Letter for Leo Tindemans, President of the European People's Party, April 7, 1993.


Dear Mr. President!

We have learnt with great satisfaction that the European People's Party has taken the initiative to send fact finding missions to the territory of the former Yugoslavia, and a delegation has already visited the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and has reported to the parliamentary group.

On behalf of the DCHV hereby we invite the European People's Party to undertake an information visit to the Voivodina region of the former Yugoslavia. Our organisations will make the necessary arrangements for your visit. We suggest the week after the EP session starting on 19 April as a possible date for your visit.

Looking forward to your reply, we avail ourselves of this opportunity to assure you of our highest consideration. Sincerely yours, Ágoston András, President of the DCHV