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Elektronikus Könyvtár

Letter for Mr. Willy Claes, President of the EC Presidency, September 8, 1993.


Your Excellency, Mr. President!

In the following, I wish to outline the notion of the DCHV towards the Pact on Stability in Europe. Please allow me to bring to your attention a few key points, which according to our belief, fully warrant that the open and completely unresolved question of the status of the ethnic Hungarians in Voivodina, shall be resolved as part of the Pact on Stability in Europe.

We are fully aware, that the Peace Conference on Former Yugoslavia held in London is not inclined to apply double standards towards any of the nationalities, or ethnic groups in question. The same assertion has been made repeatedly by several high ranking, and responsible diplomats during the past. Based on the above, it is our firm belief that the question of the ethnic Hungarians in Voivodina will indeed receive a fair and unbiased treatment within the framework of the Peace Conference in London.

Nevertheless, at this point there are at least two compelling reasons as to why we request that the question of the ethnic Hungarians in Voivodina be included in the negotiations within the Pact on Stability in Europe.

The first reason is the utmost urgency that the completely open and unresolved question of our ethnic group be resolved as soon as possible.

The second reason is in conjunction with the ongoing preparations regarding the Pact itself. If the question of the Hungarians in Voivodina would be dealt with in a bilateral setting, supported the European Community and the representative of the Russian Federation, in the presence and with the participation of the representatives of DCHV, the solution to our pressing needs. I am fully aware that this is not up to me, but I am convinced that, the possibility of including the question of ethnic Hungarians in Voivodina in the process of the Pact on Stability in Europe, would be of great benefit to all, who are genuinely committed to seek an equitable and a lasting solution to the completely open and unresolved question of the ethnic Hungarians in Voivodina.

Why are the ethnic Hungarians so pressed tor time? If the current accelerated pace of defection of the Hungarians of the region continues, our ethnic group will, within a few years, loose its ability to maintain itself as a demographic entity, and it will cease to exist. On the other hand, amidst the already existing tensions, Hungary would be confronted with the enormous strain of resolving the problem of the new influx of refugees from Voivodina.

Why are we anticipating a better solution from being included in the Pact on Stability in Europe?

The ethnic Hungarians in Voivodina do not seek the alteration of international borders, and unlike others, we are unarmed. However, despite living seventy years, as a minority in Serbia, as well as in Yugoslavia we consciously feel to be an integral part of the Hungarian nation. At the present time of relentless psychological warfare, and the enormous pressure exerted on us by the Serb authorities, the recognition of our right to autonomy and self-government, is an absolute condition, and the only viable means of retaining our national identity. To substantiate our assertions, please be advised that since 1990, the Serb Parliament has enacted 18 Legislative Bills abolishing, or curtailing the rights of the minorities in Serbia.

This is, why it is not indifferent for the ethnic Hungarians of Voivodina, what kind of legal framework will be produced as a guarantee for their survival, and what kind of international support they will receive in obtaining these guarantees. Since the Pact on Stability in Europe provides for bilateral negotiations, and it grants the participation of representatives of the European Community, as well as the representatives of the Russian Federation, it is hoped that, the processes of finding the appropriate solutions within the Pact on Stability in Europe will be faster and more effective as well.

I hope that Your Excellency will find these assertions sound and valid, and that you will personally contribute that the ethnic Hungarians in Voivodina be part of the Pact on Stability in Europe, please accept my warmest regards. With respect and appreciation, András Ágoston