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The Proposed Concept of Autonomy of the DCHV in the Context of Political Pluralism, June 23, 1994


The concept of autonomy proposed by the Democratic Community of Hungarians in Vojvodina (DCHV) is designed as a legal framework for the preservation of the national identity of the indigenous Hungarian population of Vojvodina. The autonomy is the framework which will insecure that the Hungarians will remain and survive in Vojvodina as a distinct ethnic group. As a democratic concept, the proposed autonomy of the DCHV can only be achieved within the context of a market economy, and amidst a political pluralism. For the very same reason, the DCHV takes an active part in the political processes aimed at bringing forth these democratic changes.

The crucial elements of autonomy:

- The recognition of Hungarians in Vojvodina as a political entity on international level, and by the Yugoslav government;

- The possibility of electing a legitimate leadership representing Hungarians in Vojvodina;

- Establishing the proposed system of multi level autonomy as soon as possible;

- Securing political pluralism in the process of establishing the autonomy, as well as within the during the functioning of autonomy.

The attainment of an autonomy as outlined above will contribute to the subsequent democratic processes, and the following political changes in the host country as well. By offering equitable solutions, a functioning system of autonomy will also further the overall democratic processes in Europe.

The recognition of the status of Hungarians of Vojvodina as a political entity is a key element of the autonomy, and an absolute necessity for the survival of the Hungarians of Vojvodina.

The Hungarians of Vojvodina are indigenous population in that region, and they are an integral part of Hungarians living in the Carpathian Basin. If they are given the opportunity to interact as equal partners with the Yugoslav government, as well as on the international scene in finding solutions to their legitimate interest based on the established rules of democracy, they will survive. Otherwise they will perish by assimilation, or by being dispersed into emigration. At the present time the vital interests of Hungarians in Vojvodina are represented by the DCHV. In their external dealings, as a political entity, the interests of Hungarians of Vojvodina are depicted in a unified manner. If any other organization attains legitimacy in representing the Hungarians in Vojvodina, the DCHV will strive to preform the above function in agreement with the emerging organization(s).

For the recognition of their status as a political entity, it is absolutely necessary that the Hungarians in Vojvodina have independently elected representatives. Thus far, the Hungarian leaders and representatives have always been responsible upwards to the Serb government, while they acted by orders from above in matters affecting the affairs of Hungarians. It is crucial therefore, that the leadership be elected by Hungarians, and that they are directly responsible to Hungarians, and not to someone else. If more than one is to organization gain legitimacy, the overall Hungarian leadership of Vojvodina should be composed on the basis of consensus among the said organizations, or according to the proportionate votes received in democratic elections.

In the regions of Vojvodina where the Hungarians are settled in a relatively dense pattern (en block), the interests of Hungarians will be best accomplished through municipal autonomy. In the localities where Hungarians live in considerable numbers, unattached to a surrounding Hungarian population, the specific interests of Hungarians are best guaranteed by the general standards of self rule in areas deemed essential for retaining their identity, and by their proportionate participation in the municipal governments. The above principles of recognized self rule shall also apply in areas where Hungarians do not constitute the majority population within a region, or community. The overall interests of Hungarians of Vojvodina in the areas of education, culture, media and communication are represented by the institutions of personal autonomy, primarily by the Ethnic Council. According to this form, the DCHV will represent the collective interests of Hungarians in relation to the Serb government, and towards the international community. The Ethnic Council, as a decision making body will deal with internal questions concerning the Hungarian population of Vojvodina, arising from the existing diversity, and differentiation of the Hungarian population of Vojvodina.

Political pluralism within such autonomy poses a special problem. The interests of Hungarians of Vojvodina have to be formulated and depicted in a unified manner, while the political processes involved would require an approach based on the principles of political pluralism. In the ensuing process the Hungarians can express their right to exercise pluralism by voting for the candidate of their choice during the municipal elections.

If besides the DCHV another organization also decides to engage in politics on behalf of Hungarians of Vojvodina, there are two possibilities. The alternate organization may form a political alliance with the DCHV, which seems to be the more viable solution, or the newly emerged organization should the political scrutiny of elections.

In the event that alternate concepts of autonomy emerge, or if instead of the proposed autonomy of the DCHV, an alternate minority protection plan is recommended, there are again two possible courses of action: in a due process, and by mutual agreement, priority shall be given to the concept of autonomy proposed by the DCHV, since the Hungarians of Vojvodina have already endorsed the proposed autonomy of the DCHV in four consecutive elections. As an other option, the alternate plan must undergo the required political scrutiny of the elections.

Presidency of the DCHV