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(Meaning loaf-mass an Anglo-Saxon word)

July 31st -August 7th


This is the time to celebrate the first harvest of the season.

Also Called
Lughnasadh (Loo-nahs-ah)...Celtic
St. Ilia's Day...Slavic
Festival of Green Corns...American Indians

This is the first of the three harvest celebrations in the pagan tradition.  In Celtic tradition this day honors the Celtic Sun God, Lugh (loo) which means August.  Native Americans celebrate this day in honor of the Corn Grandmother.

Bread is baked for this holiday and the alter is decorated with the first fruits from the garden.  The canning season goes into full swing while herbs are harvested to fill your magickal cabinet.  Decorate your alter with red or yellow flowers.

Not only is the God honored here but so is the Goddess, she is still pregnant with the fertility plants of corn, wheat, and potatoes, which also can be used in fertility spells.

Click on the links below to see some really good recipes for Lammas which you can incorperate into your day to day cooking.

Fresh Blackberry Pie
Cornmeal Crescents
Lammas Whole Grain Ritual Bread


What is Lammas? Find out here.
NOTE: You will leave the WWA Lammas page.

Need a Lammas Ritual? We have one here.