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Dreams from a LLLLLLLoooooonnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg Time Ago

Dreams from a LLLLLLLoooooonnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg Time Ago

I don't remember the dates or anything, because these dreams were a very long time ago. So oh well, who really cares anyways. I know you don't, and neither do I.

"The Toy Store War" - In this dream, I was in a toy store, like 'Toys R Us' or something and there were all these kids fighting. They would fight in the intersections of the aisles. One kid pulled me too his side, and told me to fight the other side. I grabbed a weapon, I think it was a squirt gun and started shooting the other kids with it. When I ran out of juice, I started looking for something else to fight with. I grabbed some eye shadow and started poking a kid in the eye with the little stick part, dipped in the gray eye shadow. He started crying and that's when I realized the ridiculousness of it all, and meanness and I started crying, too. I was just sobbing "I hurt a little kid, a poor little kid." That's all I can recall.

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