What's Goin' On....2004

Here it is....January 21, 2004. Today is my Birthday....I turned 34 years old today. Alot has happened in my life. Let's see....

My sister went to jail a few times. That situation was memorable. The jail and the money thing sucked but the circumstances were funny. Luv Ya Sis - You Go Girl. She got what she deserved.


Then my best friend of 9 years had to have a Complete Hysterectomy...OMG! That was a frightening situation. I was glad I was there to be with her and help where I could.

Luv To You Too, Liduia.

My father was rear ended. He was fine but it totaled his van. He did get some money out of...but just enough to get another vehicle. He didn't try and screw nobody out of any money needlessly like most people do. Brownie Points In Heaven for a good deed....I agree.


My Son started Kindergarten. I cried all the way out the door. I hated it. But what can you do? Then we started having medical problems with him before the Xmas break. School and nerve related problems that was suppose to be solved by prescription medication.

2 scripts later....no change.
He hated the thought of going to school. It made him physically sick, he was throwing up every morning. After the Xmas break, we decided he's got to have an education....Period. Whether it be at a school or home. So, now, we're homeschooling my son.
He's doing really good at his work and is improving everyday. And currently, we are going through some "stuff" with our local school board over the Homeschooling.
I'll keep ya'll updated on this.

We moved....again. But the house is bigger and nicer...for us. It took us 4-5 days to move out of a house that is 3 miles from our old house. It was a NIGHTMARE!!! It almost killed us all. We're still not completly unpacked...ha,ha. I hate to move.


My sisters son, Steve Jr., His grandma on his dad's side passed away right before Xmas. He's lived with her for most of his life and it hit him and the rest of the family kinda hard even though they knew to expect it. He broke my heart...he's never asked me for anything. But when I talked to him on the phone, he said he sure wished I lived closer cause he wished I could be there. I live 3 hours away from him. I Love You, Bo!


XMAS: My son received over $ 1,000.00 in Xmas presents. This kid racked up. He got some nice clothes, a Bratz FM Cruiser and a Bratz doll, some DVD's to go along with his new DVD/ VCR player, a BB gun, a china tea set ( my son don't care about girl toys and boy toys, neither do we- to us, a toy is a toy...period ), and the biggest thing was his new Go Kart. He loves it and it scares the hell outta me. Of coarse. He got alot more but I can't think of it all. He got presents from us, his Dad sent a package from Florida, his Aunt Traci & Miss Joyce brought him presents, his family in East TN got him presents. Man, my son has alot of stuff.

I even got me some Xmas presents. My sis brought me some Celestial candles and candle holders- they are beautiful. Glenn sent me a present....Thanx Bro!
And Traci got me a lighter....shaped like a penis....it vibrates!
It's too cool...definately a collectable for my "weird stuff" shelf. She got her and her best friend one, and me and my best friend one.
We laughed that the batteries would need changing before we'd need to change the flints or refuel it.
She's probably right. Smile Sis!

And the biggest thing that happened.....I STARTED SCHOOL! I'm going to to get my Associates Degree in Communication & Information. The first year is a set of required coarses. The second year is when you can branch off into either programming or networking. I want to do networking. I want to get a good job ( no more convenience stores and restaurants ) and MAKE LOT'S OF MONEY$$$!

My Sister went and got her GED and now has gone and enrolled at ITT Tech to work with computers also!!! Way To Go Sis!


And today, for my birthday. My son and mom came up to my school and brought me some presents. The people in the LRC ( Learning Resource Center- kinda like the library of the college ) started applauding and such when they gave them to me.

They gave me a singing/ dancing bear ( he's so cute ), some candy and flowers and a balloon, A cute tote magnet board for my room, and a gorgeous Pooh clock ( wrapped in Pooh paper )
Ya'll know Pooh is my thing.
Then they made me a cake
( double fudge with choc. chips and double fudge with choc. chip icing )
it was delicious, made ME dinner ( steak, rolls, potatoes, salad ), and then....
cleaned up the mess....washed dishes, swept the floor, took out the trash....all those things I normally do, they did.
It was perfect. I loved it all....the presents, dinner, everything.
Thanx Mom, Dad, & Zavad....it meant the world to me.


Email: gaylefriend@cs.com