An Open Letter to an EX..........part I: '97 - '98

This is the beginning of an open letter to someone I use to care for, in fact love. His eyes will probably never read these words but I will feel better to have written them just the same.

I must say that I have never hated anyone in my life as much as I do you. Let's state that upfront....

You have created a world that is unknown and confusing to in which the rules of play have changed in the 3 yrs we shared together.

You brought me into your life and made me care about you when to you, it was all a game from the beginning. Through it all, you abused and used, lied and deceived, and stole from me the trust I have in myself and also the trust I have in others. And through it all .....who got hurt?

Me & Zavad.

Your lifestyle goes on....tattoos, long nites, drugs, partying. You weren't affected by anything other than a new address.

Life with you was not easy and at times it could be described as a "HELL ON EARTH". But I also could be difficult too so that's an allowance for both of us.

Through all the lies about you messin' around, all the fights, drugs and etc.....I stayed by your side. Waitin' for it all to get out of your system. But it never did.

And then came the day that it was finally over. I had had enough.You had to go.

We've been apart now for almost a year. Your life still sucks. And you can't blame me for it. It is all of your own making and it's killin' you that you can't cast the blame on anybody but yourself.

I'm glad to hear about all the things that are going wrong in your life. Everytime I hear of you being on the lookout for a new place to crash, bein' broke, havin' your shit stolen.....I smile.

You asked for it......begged for it infact. Now it's all yours.

Congratulations...........Not Quite What You Had In Mind, huh?

And by the way, how did it feel knowing your ole lady was fuckin' someone else right there in the house with you still livin' there? He ate your food, held your newborn son, and smoked weed with ya. And was beddin' your woman too......and EVERYBODY knew....

And just to let you was good and FREQUENT.

You cheated long before I did and you know it and you deserved it (Lindsluty..I mean, Lindsey). Now you know how it piece of shit. Feels good, huh?

But if you had payed half as much attention to me as you did your drug habit, you'd have known.

Your drug habit was another were warned ahead of time that if the situation didn't change, someone would have to

Let's set the record straight, ok?

YOU & I will NEVER be together again.......That is NEVER going to happen (since that was your intention for the drunken cryin' phone call from Florida). You will never be in my nor MY SON'S life. EVER.

You are neither needed nor desired.

I think that considering all.........I am the one that made it through all this on top. I have a nice place to live that's mine, the bills are payed, me and Zavad are healthy, fed, happy. We have family and friends who love us. And we get to do all this quality livin'............without you. Now how great is that?

And, I have the priviledge of releaving sexual tension with someone who is not a Crack Head & a junky like yourself and those trashy ass whores you hang out with ( L & D - mother/daughter slut tag team champions). risk of gettin' some kinda STD that'll make my tit's fall off or worse, now reducd as well.

So, just to recap...........


#2- DON'T CALL ME AND EXPECT TO TALK- expect to be hung up on.


#4- EXPECT TO LIVE YOUR LIFE JUST THE WAY YOU WANTED IT.....alone as a drug addict with no possessions and noone who trully gives a shit about you. Nothing but pain and misery in your life.

"Miss" me.....

"Wish things between us HAD been better".......

"Lay awake at night and wish things WAS better between us now"......

BUT....while you do......remember, you had it all....

And now because of you......




Suffer for eternity knowing that I hate you and I will never forgive you, and that I despise your very existance and that I wish you nothing short of a miserbly failing future.

Bad Luck and Curses Upon You,

Your EX


My Ex's Pix ---->
