An Open Letter to an EX.....part II: '99 - '00

Why I'm better off than you.

#1- I got to stay here in Tennessee........You had to move to another state.

(You exhausted all your resources...nobody wanted you around for long after they found out what what kinda person you really are).

Ain't it a cryin' shame?

#2- I STILL Have ALL my Friends....................See ( ) in #1....

#3- I'm Not A Crack Head...................................You are.

Despite you trying to spit shine and polish it up-trying to make it sound better than is.

#4- I'm Not A Junkie/ Drunk................................See ( ) in #3

#5- I get to be here as OUR kid grows up.........You Can't.

I saw to that.

#6- I get to be there as your OTHER kid grows up...................You Don't.

You saw to that. You're selfish. Always you, you, you. She's better off without you around anyway.

#7- I don't feel guilt about throwing your sorry ass out.........YOU DO.

You can apologize and kiss ass and whatever but truth be had to go...not only for my and MY son's sake but for the sake of your very life itself.

Suffer Asshole...........

Lay in the bed you made.

Your Ex


My Ex's Pix---->
