An Open Letter To An Ex

The reason I made myself a website was so I'd have a place to vent. To bitch if you will about
what-ever I wanted.

And the first page I ever created was "Open Letter To An Ex *97 - *98. Started as a way for me to say all those things that I forget to say or would say to my ex if I had the chance. I don't know if he's ever even seen my website. I hope that he has but know that he hasn't.

I no longer feel hate towards my ex. Now it has changed to pity.

He missed it all....our son's first step, first word, first haircut, and all those precious moments that can never replaced. From potty training, riding his bike for the first time and even the loss of his first tooth....Daddy wasn't there for any of it. I feel sorry for him.

Life is full of choices & comprimise's and the decisions you make in life are based on the priorities you have. I was mad at my ex for a long time. But now the anger has subsided and I feel Like having the EX pages has documented the process from hate to relief of sort.

So....Thank You, Will, for making me a stronger person.


*97 - *98
*99 - *00
*01 - *02
*03 - *04 ( Under Construction )
